International Day of the Internet

Modern life, full of events and information, has long been unthinkable without the Internet. It is for this pretty good reason that it is quite natural that the global Network has got its own holiday. And not even one, however, the main, or rather International Internet Day, is celebrated annually on April 4.

history of the holiday

Why is the World Internet Day celebrated on April 4? Yes, because it was on the fourth day of the second spring month that Saint Isidore of Seville appeared. He went down in history thanks to the fact that he wrote the encyclopedia Etymologiae, which includes twenty volumes. But the patron at the World Wide Web did not appear all at once. He was chosen painfully and for a long time. So, among the candidates were St. Isidore, and Saint Pedro Regaldo, and even a woman - Saint Tecla. But the decisive word was left for the then Pope John Paul II, who announced that the Internet is an encyclopedia of knowledge of all mankind. And this question was solved.

But the Orthodox Church was not the only patron, so the Internet has four. And, all four - female. This is Sofia and her three daughters - Love, Hope and Faith. It is not excluded that the Muslims also defined for the global network of the patron.

Now we know when the International Day of the Internet is celebrated, but in different countries these dates may differ.

Internet Day in different countries

Despite the fact that the Pope of Rome authorized the Internet Day in 1998 and determined its patron, another date was adopted in the Russian Federation. The starting point for the celebration of the Day of the Russian Internet was the dispatch by Moscow firm IT Infoart Stars to organizations, enterprises and firms of proposals for the support of the initiative. This initiative consisted of two important points. The first was to celebrate the Internet Day annually on September 30, and the second - in conducting a census of the number of users of the Russian-language Network. It turned out that in the state in 1998 there were about one million users with access to the Network, and the first Internet Day was celebrated in the capital's "President Hotel". About two hundred people gathered here. These included representatives of leading Internet providers, news agencies and computer firms.

In addition to the holiday of the global Network, in Russia on April 7, they celebrate the Runet Day, that is, the Russian-speaking part of the World Network. In 1994, the international database of national domains belonging to the upper level was supplemented with the .ru domain.

In most states this holiday is tied to the date of registration of national domains. So, in Ukraine, the Internet Day - December 14, and in Uzbekistan - April 29.

Internet - fight!

Excessive immersion in the World Wide Web has a number of serious shortcomings. For the first time, the members of the British Institute of Social Inventions paid attention to this problem. So, on January 27, 2002 this organization initiated the unprecedented event - World Day without Internet (World Safe Day (Internet)). The purpose of the unusual holiday was a whole day spent without a computer. Users are invited not to chat with virtual friends , but to meet live with relatives, relatives, and also take care of their health, take a walk in the park, go to the theater, watch a movie or visit a museum. This is how the British focus on the problem of Internet addiction and social exclusion caused by excessive stay on the Internet. Especially strongly the virtual world carries away teenagers and young people.