What changes does the fetus organism undergo?
To begin with, it is necessary to say that 4 weeks of pregnancy from the moment of conception corresponds to the 6 midwifery week. So do not be surprised if you hear this figure when you visit a gynecologist. All due to the fact that doctors consider the gestation period from the day of the last monthly period. But in this case, before ovulation, which is observed in the middle of the cycle, there are still 2 weeks. That's where the difference comes from.
The size of the fetal egg at 4 weeks of pregnancy from conception is still very small. In most cases, in diameter, it does not exceed 5-7 mm. In this case, the embryo itself is 2-3 mm.
There is a complication of the tissues of the future baby. At close examination, 3 formed embryonic leaflets can be found.
So, from the ectoderm, which is the outer layer, the child's nervous system is formed. Mesoderm, located in the middle, gives rise to the skeleton, connective tissues, biological body fluid (blood). The endoderm is the leaf from the second in the course of development inside the womb of the mother, the internal organs and systems of the baby are formed.
At 4 weeks from conception, heartbeat is recorded during ultrasound. They are produced by the heart tube, which outwardly has nothing to do with the heart. However, it is directly its predecessor.
There is an active development of a child's place - the placenta. Vorsels of the chorion grow more and more deep into the uterine wall and form this important formation at the site of implantation.
What happens to the future mother?
At this time, most women are already aware of their situation. All due to the fact that the level of hCG at 4 weeks from conception is already more than necessary to trigger the test. As a rule, the strips are clear, and appear quite quickly. In norm, hCG at this time 2560-82300 mIU / ml.
The future mother increasingly begins to notice the manifestations of the hormonal reorganization that has begun. Increased irritability, mood swings, pain in the nipples, pulling the pain in the lower abdomen, all says that a woman will soon become a mother.