Fetus at week 9 of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous period in which there is a risk of miscarriage. Therefore, the closer to the third trimester , the more likely a future child will be born. Starting with the 50th day of life of the embryo, according to medical norms it is already called the fetus.

Fetus at week 9 of pregnancy

One of the important events on this date is the first independent movements of your unborn child. The baby begins to gradually change the position of the body, hands and feet. These movements are fairly easy to see with the help of ultrasound, but it is impossible to feel them, since the child is still very small.

The coccyx-parietal fetal size at week 9 is about 22-30 mm. By weight, the baby reaches 2-3 grams. The child is intensively developing. His internal organs continue to form. The eyes of the fetus are still covered with film. The legs and arms grow, with the legs developing faster. The fingers became longer and slightly thicker in places where the pads should form. Ankle joints, elbows and knees are already determined.

At week 9, the fetus has sexual characteristics. Thus, girls begin to develop ovaries, and boys form testicles, which are still in the abdominal cavity. However, the presence of sexual signs can not be seen even with the help of ultrasound. Also in this period the thyroid gland begins to function, the adrenals develop.

The head of a future child becomes more familiar to us in form. The neck is already beginning to appear. At the term of 9 weeks continues the development of the fetal brain. The hemispheres are already formed, now the cerebellum is formed, which is responsible for the coordination of movements and the pituitary gland. The central nervous system develops: spinal, cranial and intervertebral nerve nodes are formed.

Fetal development at week 9 of pregnancy

Development of the fetus on the 9th week of pregnancy is also marked by the beginning of the process of withdrawal of the products of vital activity. The child begins to urinate, while urine is excreted through the placenta into the mother's body. The baby has the first lymphocytes and lymph nodes are laid. During this period, the muscular system of the future child's body is gradually developing. The facial muscles begin to function, thanks to which the facial expression of the baby actively develops. He already moves his lips, opens and closes his mouth. There are taste buds on the tongue.

The fetus at 9-10 weeks of gestation is more like a human being, albeit very small. The umbilical cord becomes longer and the baby can move more freely. From the baby's tiny brain, the mother's body receives signals that can manifest itself in changing taste preferences. This, perhaps, can be considered the first communication between mother and child.