How do I rinse my nose with a baby?

In some babies, the common cold is caused by physiology, but if your baby has excessive mucus in the nose as a result of a cold, then it is necessary to help him get rid of it. One effective method is washing, which gently cleanses the nostrils, not only from mucus, but also from unnecessary crusts.

How correctly to wash a nose a babe?

In order for the newborn to breathe again full chest, you need to perform several simple actions:

  1. First of all, with the help of a special aspirator pear, remove excess secretions so that they do not interfere with the passage of the washing solution or clean the nose with cotton wool.
  2. Do not use ordinary water or saline for the procedure, it is better to use the funds prescribed by the pediatrician. Rinse the nose with salt water, the baby should be done only if it is not possible to purchase adapted drugs or the pharmacy is far away. In this case, the mixture is prepared from 1 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. It is not recommended to use table salt and add iodine alone, because excess dosage can be dangerous to the health of crumbs.
  3. Type in the syringe, from which the needle is previously removed, put the newborn on its side and pour a little of the drug first into one nostril, then into the other until it starts pouring back. Use a preferably transparent syringe to see how much fluid you are pouring into the nose of the baby.
  4. If suddenly the child chokes, immediately put it with your stomach down and lightly tap on the back.

Than to wash a nose to the baby?

For the treatment of babies it is better to use pharmacy children's solutions, which are sold in pharmacies - they are not only great for washing the nose of an infant, but also kill microbes. Famous drugs that have won respect among mothers and pediatricians:

All of them are sold in small vials with a convenient dispenser. You can also use mild herbal infusions - they have antimicrobial, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to brew such herbs as chamomile, sage, calendula.

How to rinse the nose with infants saline?

A simple and effective remedy for cold is saline. In the pharmacy, it can be found under the name "Sodium chloride: 0.9% solution for infusions." Capacities in which it is produced is quite large - 200 or 400 ml, so you will calmly enough for the whole course. But that the liquid does not lose its effectiveness, the bottle does not need to be opened, it is better to make a small puncture and take the necessary amount of the syringe.

The solution can be used even for daily cleansing of the nose. it does not dry the mucous and does not cause habituation. If the child has mucus, then the therapy can begin immediately. Bury the saline solution 5-6 times a day before meals. 2-3 drops - this is the dose that will be enough to quickly restore free breathing.

You can use not only washing the nose with saline, but also inhalation with this remedy. In this parents will help the inhaler.

Many parents are worried about whether it is possible to wash the baby with a nose. If you do this procedure correctly, using proven drugs, then it is necessary. But before the treatment, you still need to consult a doctor who will identify the cause of the cold and prompt treatment. Perhaps, along with washing, there will be a need for additional medications.