Yellow discharge from the vagina

In the female vagina is constantly produced slime. It promotes lubrication and purification and exits outward in a natural way in the form of a secretion. The presence of small secretions - mucous or white - is the norm of the female body. But if the vaginal discharge becomes yellow, you need to pay attention to it.

Causes of yellow discharge from the vagina

If the whites have acquired a yellowish tint, this does not always mean the presence of the disease. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the color, but also to the smell, the consistency of the discharge. Yellowish discharge from the vagina, not accompanied by itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms, may be a variant of the norm. At the same time they should be of a usual consistency and without a suspicious smell, perhaps a little more abundant than the usual leucorrhoea. The reason for such changes in the shade may be hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, ovulation, premenstrual period.

Some women with a discoloration of the discharge starts monthly: for several days, the mucus leaves the vagina with yellowish or cream inclusions - particles of menstrual blood.

Another cause of yellow leucorrhoea from the vagina is the presence of an inflammatory process both in the vagina and in other organs of the urogenital system of the woman. If there is discomfort in the vagina and other anxiety symptoms with the appearance of unusual discharge, you should immediately call your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Yellow discharge can be a sign of very serious infections.

Yellow vaginal discharge as a sign of disease

If you look at the nature of the yellow discharge, you can suspect the presence of this or that disease.

  1. Strong purulent discharge with a yellow tinge, accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, frequent urination, discomfort during sex and menstruation, can speak of acute adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries . Similar phenomena plus bloating and loss of appetite are observed with salpingitis - inflammation of the appendages.
  2. Itching, swelling of the labia and yellow discharge are a likely sign of colpitis. Concomitant symptoms are expressed in pain in the lower abdomen and during intercourse. Similarly, bacterial vaginitis manifests itself - a violation of the microflora of the vagina and its colonization by nonspecific microbes.
  3. With erosion of the cervix, there are scant yellowish discharge. It should pay attention to this fact, especially if it occurs after sexual intercourse.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections almost always have manifestations in the form of pathological yellow discharge: foamy, with a terrible fishy smell - a sign of Trichomonas, purulent yellow is caused by chlamydia, and gonococci give vaginal secretions a greenish tinge and fetid smell.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the appearance of unusual yellow discharge, together with other unpleasant symptoms - an occasion to visit your gynecologist.