Herbs for cystitis

Many women, from their own experience, are familiar with what is cystitis. Not everyone turns to the doctor and at the first symptoms they try to heal themselves. In the course go and warming up, and antibiotics, and folk remedies. But such treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences. After all, inflammation without proper treatment can go into a chronic form, which happens in many women. Therefore, you need to follow the advice of a doctor, and folk remedies do not interfere as an auxiliary method of treatment.

Most often used for cystitis medicinal herbs. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor. After all, not all herbs help with cystitis. This disease is caused by a bacterial infection. With it develops a strong inflammation, pain and difficulty in the outflow of urine. Therefore, in the treatment of cystitis with herbs you need to choose those that have not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but can destroy bacteria and relieve pain.

Herbs that have antibacterial action

You need to choose those that can accumulate in the urine. It is these herbs that help from cystitis.

  1. The most powerful folk remedy that can replace an antibiotic is the golden rod or goldenrod. The plant is poisonous, so it should be taken under the supervision of a doctor. But it will quickly help to cope with the infection.
  2. A more common remedy is cowberry leaves. They have no contraindications and do not cause side effects. And to drink cowberry herbal teas with cystitis can be a long time. To do this, a tablespoon of leaves are brewed in a glass of boiling water and half a glass is taken several times a day.
  3. The bear's ears have a similar effect in cystitis. In another way it is called bearberry.
  4. Many other herbs also have antibacterial action, but they are less often used for cystitis. This juniper, St. John's wort, chamomile, Ledum, immortelle and yarrow. They can be taken both independently and as part of fees.

Herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect

  1. The best thing is to use berries and cranberry leaves. They have a very strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Another herb that removes inflammation is chamomile. Use it in the form of tea, and in the form of sedentary baths.
  3. As an anti-inflammatory agent used for cystitis, the collection of herbs containing bark of oak, licorice, aplicata alder or leaves of badana.
  4. Cranberry juice also has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Help to cope with inflammation those herbs that have enveloping effects. When they are brewed, mucus is formed, which protects the walls of the bladder from irritation. Most often for this purpose, decoctions of the root of the althaea or flaxseed are used.

Diuretic herbs for cystitis

It is very important in this disease to use funds that help the outflow of urine. The strongest diuretic effect is possessed by horsetail and sporich. Apply them better as a part of fees and can not exceed the norm. Well help flow of urine is also cranberries, bearberry and angelica.

To eliminate pain and spasms, St. John's wort, chamomile, tansy or immortelle are most often used. You can not immediately tell what kind of grass helps against cystitis better. What to use, it is necessary to solve in each specific case, depending on the most expressed symptoms and individual intolerance. Very effective herbs for acute cystitis . Relief with such treatment comes in a few days. The chronic form is treated longer.

The most effective herbal remedy for cystitis includes a leaf of cowberry, chamomile, marshmallow, tansy and nettles. Brew it in a thermos and drink like tea three times a day. What herbs to drink with cystitis yet? You can take a decoction of dill seeds, parsley, plantain, lilac or elderberry. But this treatment should only be ancillary.