Dexpanthenol and Bepanten - differences

To treat, moisturize and heal skin, the best means are those that contain components that are close to it in composition. One such compound is the pantothenic acid derivative (vitamin B). It includes Dexpanthenol and Bepanten - the differences of these drugs, at first sight, are absent, but with careful consideration the difference becomes obvious.

Properties of Bepantene and Dexpanthenol

After application of both described medicines to the skin, provitamin B5 contained in them is transformed into pantothenic acid. In turn, this substance has the following properties:

Also Bepanten and Dekspantenol have a weak anti-inflammatory activity, which allows them to be used for dermatitis, diaper rash, burns of any etiology, insect bites and anal fissures. Moreover, drugs are prescribed for combined therapy of trophic ulcers, pressure sores, erosion and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes.

Is it safer to use Dexpanthenol or Bepanten, and what better helps?

To answer this question, you need to carefully study the composition of medications.

The basis of both drugs is dexpanthenol at a concentration of 5%. Bepantene excipients:

Additional ingredients of Dexpanthenol:

Apparently, the analogue of Bepanthen Dexpanthenol is produced with the use of preservatives (nipagin and nipazel), as well as cheaper fat constituents. On the one hand, this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug, but significantly reduces its cost. At the same time, Bepanten is safer for the skin, as it does not show comedogenic activity (does not clog pores) and does not cause allergic reactions, irritation.

For adults, there is no fundamental difference between the drugs considered, so it becomes more preferable to use dexpanthenol because of its low price and similar efficacy. If high-quality skin care is required for a young nursing mother and child, Bepanten is appointed because of its absolute safety.