What sins to call in confession?

Confession is one of the Christian sacraments, after which a person is freed from sins. To repent, a person must acknowledge his sins, repent of them and call them a priest in confession.

Preparation for Confession: Repentance of Sins

Up to 7 years the child is not required to confess, the adult must periodically come to church to perform this sacrament, optimally - once in 2-3 weeks.

However, it is more important to repent of your sins and ask forgiveness from the offended person. The main sins that you are going to list on confession can be pre-recorded.

What sins are called in confession?

Conditionally, the sins are divided into 3 groups.

  1. The first group is sins against God . This is ingratitude, unbelief, apostasy, mentioning the name of God in vain, divination and divination , appeals to psychics, arrogance, gambling, thoughts of suicide, non-attendance of the temple, addiction to earthly pleasures, waste of time, etc.
  2. The second group - sins against neighbors . Such transgressions include: the education of children outside of faith in God, irritability, temper tantrums, arrogance, vindictiveness, stinginess, perjury, lack of assistance to those in need, condemnation of others, disregard for parents, theft, quarrels, murder, abortions, the commemoration of the departed not with prayer, but with alcohol .
  3. The third group is sins against oneself . They include verbosity, love of gossip, profanity, vanity, vanity, jealousy, lies, desire to enrich, drunkenness and drug addiction, gluttony, fornication, fornication (physical intimacy outside of marriage), adultery (betrayal to spouse), masturbation, physical intimacy people of the same sex, incest.

To list the priest's sins in confession with all the details is not necessary-you are telling not to him, but to God, the clergyman in this case is only a witness, determining the degree of your repentance of sins.

Sometimes confession causes unpleasant feelings - it is painful and embarrassing to open before the priest unflattering facts of his life. However, if you conceal sin, it will begin to destroy your soul. Some serious sins are to be mentioned in several confessions, such as fornication.

After the confession, the priest decides whether you can take communion or you need to fast and read prayers. And remember: any sin can be redeemed by repentance.