Each person is essentially a biological entity and, like all other living beings, is part of nature. But unlike the latter, it can become a personality, an individuality. This is possible due to the presence of intelligence and interaction with the environment. So who is an individual in this article.
Characteristics of the individual
Having been born, a person by definition is already an individual, which reflects his family affiliation. This is a concrete carrier of individual peculiar traits, but primarily biologically conditioned. With all other people, it combines a skeletal-muscular structure, the structure of the brain, the presence of speech, etc. But at the same time, the individual is a single being that differs from others in individual features - the color of hair, skin, the functioning of the nervous system, etc.
However, in human psychology , not only as an individual representative of the human race, but also as a member of a particular social group. It is distinguished by the following features:
- Integrity of the psycho-physical organization of the organism.
- Resistance to the surrounding reality.
- Activity.
For those who are interested in what the individual means, you can answer that, thanks to a high social organization, he can consciously overcome the inherent biological "program", make changes in his behavior and control it, and manage all higher psychological processes.
Social qualities of the individual
Appearing as an individual, a person becomes a person in the process of life. And in connection with the fact that it has poorly developed adaptation mechanisms, the individual can become a person only with constant communication, interaction with others. This is influenced by relationships within the family, within the group. Personal characteristics a person does not receive from birth. All the mental features, views and customs he adopts from the society in which he lives.
The social qualities of an individual include:
- temperament;
- character;
- ability;
- motivation;
- a responsibility;
- self-realization;
- cooperation;
- reflection;
- emotional stability, etc.
The person attains a personal maturity gradually and for each age stage is characterized by a special qualitative identity. Becoming a person is a long and complex process, multifactorial and multidimensional. On the basis of experience, norms and values are formed, civic position, attitude to oneself, people and the world.
Differences between the individual and individuality
The personality of each person is a combination of features and characteristics, which form its individuality. Thus, by individuality we mean a combination of psychological features of a person, which makes him unique, distinctive, different from others. Individuality is manifested in everything - body build, style of clothes, temperament, life experience, aspirations, ways of self-expression, etc. Individuality is not a manifestation of the integrity of a person, but a kind of "zest" that distinguishes a person from others.
Individuality is formed under the influence of the environment in which the individual grows, his upbringing, accumulated experience, the characteristics of relationships within the family and the treatment of the child. The most important factors are the innate characteristics of a person and his own life position. Russian psychologist, politician and scientist A.G. Asmolov said that "individuals are born, become a person, and defend individuality". That is, the formation of the personality occurs in the society, and the individuality is outside of it. This process takes place separately, unique and unique.