Elevated blood sugar - symptoms in women

Elevated blood sugar is considered a dangerous symptom in women, as it indicates the occurrence of several possible processes that adversely affect the body. The reasons can be different, and the development of each of them will lead to sad consequences. At the same time, many do not even suspect that they are sick.

Causes of increased blood sugar in women

There are several main reasons that cause glucose changes:

In diabetes, hyperglycemia is a lengthy process and affects all organs.

Symptoms of high blood sugar in women

There are several main symptoms, which can be noticed problems in the body:

  1. Permanent thirst. Glucose draws water to itself. With an increased sugar level in the blood, the maximum possible amount of liquid is removed from the body. To make up for lost in a person there is a constant feeling of thirst.
  2. Due to the consumption of large amounts of water, there is a need for a constant visit to the toilet . It is important to ensure that everything is in order with the kidneys, otherwise excess fluid simply can not normally leave the body, which will lead to increased pressure in the body.
  3. By the same principle there is a feeling of dryness in the mouth .
  4. Often, a sharp decrease in weight also indicates problems with sugar in the blood. Most often, this symptom occurs in type 1 diabetes, when an insufficient amount of insulin is produced in the body. In this case, glucose can not get into the cell, so it does not have enough energy to function properly. Due to insufficient energy supply, body weight begins to decrease.
  5. Another sign of increased blood sugar in women is overweight - this pattern is observed with the development of type 2 diabetes . Usually the cause of the disease is a large body weight. On the background of obesity, insulin can be produced in a standard amount, although the processes responsible for its binding are violated. Glucose also can not get into the cage. But the resulting energy hunger can not absorb all the excess fat.
  6. Problems with the brain. They are expressed by pain, weakness of the body and fatigue. The thing is that glucose is the main "fuel" for the central nervous system. If it is not enough, the body begins to oxidize fats. At the same time, the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood increases, which leads to the appearance of a taste of acetone in the mouth when exhaled.
  7. Another symptom of increased sugar in women is a worsening of the process of tissue healing . With a high glucose content in the body, all secreted liquids become a nutrient medium for bacteria, which contributes to the development of purulent processes. In addition, the regeneration system involves leukocytes, which can not perform their functions properly without sufficient glucose. They simply can not cope with pathogenic microorganisms that actively multiply in area of ​​damage.

Important to remember

If symptoms are found in women who manifest with elevated blood sugar, it is advisable to go through all the necessary examinations at once. They will accurately show what exactly is happening in the body. In any case, it is desirable to maintain glucose at a constant level. It is even possible to carry out to people who have diabetes of the first and second level. It is recommended to take tests for the amount of sugar at least once every three years.