Diet for gout on the legs

Once gout was considered a disease of French aristocrats, today, this disease does not choose victims for themselves according to their social status. The joint of the big toe with a characteristic for many convexity, bone "ball" on the side of the joint is a favorite place for the development of gout. And the disease itself means only a malfunction of the metabolism , because of which, in the joints is not deposited uric acid.

Why is this a failure? Overeating, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, sharp weight loss, obesity, etc. Classical reasons for the occurrence of any other disease.

No matter how trite it may sound, the best prevention and the main measure of treatment for gout on the legs is a diet. Only the composition of the menu can both increase and decrease the urate (uric acid) content in the blood. Therefore, we will work on the development of preventive and therapeutic nutrition.

Prohibited products

The name antipurin diet for gout is not accidental, because it minimizes the supply of urates from the outside. Thus, it involves the rejection of:

And, of course, a diet for patients with gout implies the rejection of alcohol in any manifestations. And it's not about alcohol - replacing vodka with beer, you do not reduce the risk of accumulating urates.

Are allowed in the minimum amount

The next group of products is recommended for use not more often than once a day, but better - every other day:

What will we eat?

Now we come to the heart of the matter - an approximate diet for gout, consisting of very high-calorie and various foods:

An ideal product for patients with gout - cabbage . It can be safely used in any form.

On the day should be about four meals, fasting is contraindicated, as well as overeating. Also, you have a contraindicated load on the joints of the legs - a rope, thrust with repulsion.

If it so happened that on dietary nutrition with gout you are stout, do not lose weight sharply. In a month you can lose a maximum of 2 kg, so to get rid of excess, just reduce the portions of this menu.

It is very important to comply with the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters per day. Also, the alkaline mineral waters (Borjomi and Essentuki No. 17), and the decoction from the dog rose, have an excellent effect on the excretion of uric acid.

With an exacerbation of gout, the patient's diet consists of liquid and semi-liquid dishes - jelly, cereals, soups and mashed potatoes. Of course, not meat and fish, but vegetable, cereals and lactic acid. For the day the patient should drink up to 2 liters of water, including alkaline mineral water.

This therapeutic diet is not even a diet, but a new way of life, without adhering to which, life will turn into continuous agony.