Mastitis in dogs

Mastitis in your pet may occur for various reasons. Sometimes such consequences result in improper or too early weaning of puppies from the chest, various mechanical injuries or heredity. Sometimes mastitis in dogs is caused by hormonal disorders in the body.

Symptoms of mastitis in dogs

Mastitis is manifested both locally and in the general condition of the pitoma. From the general clinical picture note the sluggishness of the animal, a decrease or a complete lack of appetite, the pet becomes drowsy and the temperature may rise.

As for the local symptoms of mastitis in a dog, here you should pay attention to her mammary glands:

As soon as you notice at least one of the symptoms, urgently call the vet. Treatment of mastitis in dogs should begin as early as possible and prevent complications.

Mastitis in a dog - what to do?

So, the diagnosis is made and now it is necessary to take measures. In your power to provide the animal with pre-medical care. If it is a question of an initial stage, it is possible to bandage the sore spot with a tight bandage for a couple of days with a warming compress. Be sure to express milk twice a day. If your efforts fail, we call a doctor.

Today there are two ways of treating mastitis in dogs: surgical and therapeutic. Traditionally, in the treatment of mastitis in dogs, antibiotics are prescribed drugs of the penicillin group, quinolones or cephalosporins.

The second scenario - a combination of funds to improve the protective properties of the body with local drugs. Usually prescribed ointment from mastitis for dogs such as zorki or de Long. Also the animal is prescribed antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines.

A therapeutic scenario for treating mastitis in dogs is possible under the condition of early stages. If the suppuration began, you will have to resort to surgery. Usually, the abscess is opened, then the wound is drained and the necrotic tissues are removed, in the most neglected cases, all of the gland can be removed.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to sterilize before the first heat , if the offspring is not planned. The animals are necessarily brought to control every six months, always monitor the condition of the area around the nipple and in time process the wounds and cracks. As soon as the puppies are two weeks old, claws must be cut off.