At what time can you determine the pregnancy?

Many women expect the onset of such a process as pregnancy for a long time. Some are ready to completely change their habits, lifestyle, in a word, do everything to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. The most exciting moment is the definition of the fact of conception. That's why many women think about what term, or rather on what week can determine the pregnancy that has occurred. Let's take a closer look at this issue and try to find out from what time it makes sense to carry out the diagnosis of pregnancy on its own and after what period the doctor can do it.

From what day does the pregnancy test determine conception?

In view of the fact that most women excite the visit to a gynecologist, and also do not always have the opportunity to visit a doctor, rapid tests (a test strip, as the women themselves call it) have become more prevalent.

This affordable, inexpensive diagnostic tool allows you to accurately establish the fact of conception. However, it should be noted that the time of the study is of great importance here.

The principle of operation of these devices is based on the establishment in the secreted urine of the hCG hormone, which begins to be synthesized in the body of every woman with the onset of conception. Most test strips have a sensitivity of 25 mMe / ml. This concentration of the hormone in the urine is noted, as a rule, after 2-3 weeks from the moment of conception. That's why the girl can not carry out this research earlier, because it does not make any sense - the test on a very short period will always show a negative result.

Which method allows you to first determine pregnancy?

Those women who are very excited about waiting, and therefore do not want to wait until 14 days from the date of the alleged conception, can be examined at the clinic. In the past, you can learn about the pregnancy that has come about by putting a blood test on hormones.

So, thanks to this method of diagnosis, a woman can literally in 7-10 days learn that she will soon become a mother. However, in view of the fact that conducting such a diagnosis involves visiting a health facility, women rarely use it.

At what time can a gynecologist determine the presence of pregnancy?

Answering this question, it is worth noting that in such cases everything depends on the doctor's experience, the duration of his practice.

When examined in the gynecological chair, changes in the cervix, in particular, as regards the color changes in its mucosa, can already be noted literally in the third week of pregnancy. By this time, in view of the increased growth and increase in the number of blood vessels, the mucosa becomes bluish.

When diagnosing a pregnancy, the doctor also performs an external examination, palpating the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall. Thus, he sets the height of the standing of the bottom of the uterus, its dimensions. These changes are more noticeable by the end of the first month of pregnancy.

At what time does the ultrasound machine determine pregnancy?

This method is highly accurate, so it is often appointed at small terms, when by examination and palpation pregnancy is not yet established.

In this case, the most informative is the transvaginal method of diagnosis, which makes it possible to detect the presence of the fetal egg in the reproductive system as early as 3 weeks of gestation.

It is also worth noting that this method of diagnosis is the main during pregnancy, and allows you to monitor the small body at any time. It is with the help of ultrasound that doctors can diagnose disorders in the development of the fetus, assess the placenta, measure the size of the fetus and compare their gestation period.