Horseshoe for luck

People have long used various wards to protect their homes from negativity. The most popular subject is the horseshoe for luck and luck. You can, of course, buy a decorative horseshoe, but the most powerful and powerful is the object that was on the horse.

Why is the symbol of luck the horseshoe?

In ancient times, only wealthy people could have a horse, which, moreover, were considered lucky fortunes. People believed that if you find a horseshoe, you can count on a happy and prosperous life in the future. Still horses are considered symbols of strength and fertility, which means that such power goes to the horseshoe.

To the horseshoe for luck worked, it is necessary to bring some kind of sacrifice. If it was given by some person, then pay him a purely symbolic sum. After finding the horseshoe on the ground, leave a coin on this place. The greatest strength is used by the horseshoe. If it is dirty, you should wash it, wipe it and oil it.

How to hang a horseshoe for good luck?

In general, the amulet can be hung in different places, it all depends on the effect you want to get:

  1. The ideal place is above the front door. It is important that the ends are pointed upwards, in this case the horseshoe will personify the full cup and draw wealth, happiness and luck into the house. If you put it on the contrary, that is, "horns" down, it will serve as a guard against negative energy, various evil spirits and other problems.
  2. If you attach the horseshoe, which brings good luck, on the inside of the door, then it will protect the happiness and comfort in the house. In addition, the household will be lucky. If you nail it from the outside, it means that the horseshoe will keep the hearth and serve as a guard against the evil eye .
  3. You can put a horseshoe in the car. In this case, it will protect the driver on the road from accidents and various failures.
  4. Horseshoe should be fastened with as many nails as there are holes. Before you hang it, it is recommended to hold it in the hands of all household members.