Conspiracy to get a job

Many people are faced with the problem of finding a job, because you want to find a good place with high wages. To help yourself in this matter, you can perform a ritual . It is important not to tell anyone about attracting magic and believe in a positive result. Just do not think that apart from the conspiracy, you do not need to do anything, because, as the saying goes: "under a recumbent stone water does not flow."

Conspiracy to find a good job

This simple ritual should be performed on the new moon. It is necessary to go to the store and buy a beautiful handkerchief, and then, to him, say the following words:

"It will be for me, the servant of God (pronouncing my own name), prosperity in the way-road. Where I go, I'll find a job, I will not get it. "

The enchanted handkerchief will be considered an amulet to be worn at all times. Thanks to his energy, you can get the desired job.

Conspiracy to take on a highly paid job

If you find a good job and have already signed up for an interview, then leaving the house, be sure to stroke the cat and say such a conspiracy:

"I'm not going on foot, I'll go on a black cat. And that there was no denial to me, (name), not in the morning, nor in the day, nor in the winter, nor in the summer. God lives a covenant. Take, God, my care, so that I get a job. So that no one knows the word against me, neither evil nor any. So that they loved and respected me. To appreciate, do not understate. Cross with a cross, good deed with a good end. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then take three feline hairs and put them in a purse that will work like a talisman.

A conspiracy to search for monetary work

Thanks to a simple ritual, you can not only find a good place, but also get self-confidence before an interview. It is necessary to plant any plant near your house, if there is no such option, then the usual flower pot will do. During this, you say such a conspiracy:

"I plant, put green, bless. You blossom and grow, good to me to carry. So that my new business blossoms and grows prosperous ".

It is necessary to regularly care for the plant, as its growth will symbolize an increase in financial position. If a flower or a bush began to dry out, then you need to dig it and repeat the rite.

A conspiracy to find work for the soul

To conduct the rite, you should prepare and collect 30 small coins, and you need to do this from Monday to Tuesday. Still need to sew a small bag of red cloth. Directly to the ritual should be started during the growing moon. At dawn, pour the coins into a pouch and put it on your right palm, and cover it with the left, saying seven times the conspiracy to be taken to work:

"30 talismans, 30 coins - find a job for me, but hurry, tell me the way now. I will be a slave of God (my name) prosperity in the way. Wherever I go, I'll find work there and I will not get a refusal. "

After that, take 20 coins from the bag and bury them in different places, and as far as possible from each other. The remaining 10 coins carry with them in the bag as a mascot.

Plot a new job for cream

For the ritual, you should take home fresh cream, and the fatter they will be, the better place to work can be found. Pour them into a clean cup of white and say three words:

"I will go out, servant of God (my name), from home - not from home, doors - not doors, gates - not gates, road - not expensive, passing - I do not drive, country - not country.

I'll go look for my fate in the damp forest and in the open field.

I'll step a step-I'll find a ruble, I'll find the second step-a chervonchik, the third step-I'll find fifty. "

Cream to drink, but I gild.

To live for a long time, live and grief not know. Amen".

Then take three good sips, and drink the rest of the cream with coffee or tea throughout the day. Before going to bed, whip the pillow and say such a plot:

"The cow, our mother, you gave me cream, give me a new job , good and profitable."

After that, cross the cross three times and repeat "Our Father" 9 times. The result should wait no sooner than a month.