Geranium from seeds at home

Geranium or Pelargonium is an amazing flower that can be grown at home, or in a garden or conservatory. Her terry inflorescence pleases the eye, and she herself is a medicinal plant, helping with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, and also cleansing the air of poisons and toxins.

Geranium is a very popular plant, but not everyone knows how to grow it from seeds. In this article we will talk just about this.

Growing geranium from seeds at home

The most suitable time for planting pelargonium seeds is the end of winter or early spring. The soil for planting should be light and with an acidity of at least pH6. You can buy ready-mixed soil with all nutrients.

Before planting geranium seeds, they must be pre-soaked for several hours in water at room temperature, and also treated with Epin or Zircon.

Prepared seeds should be laid in shallow damp grooves and sprinkled slightly on top of the ground. You do not need to water the planted seeds, because they will start to rot from the excess moisture.

Cover the crops for the first week with film or glass. Keep them at a temperature of + 22-24 ° C. The first shoots may appear as early as 5-6 days. At this stage, you can remove the shelter and reduce the temperature to + 18-20 ° C. In order for the seedlings to develop normally, not to stretch and not to die, it is necessary to provide them with sufficient illumination.

If you planted the seeds in a box, then planting the seeds of geranium into a pot can be done after the appearance of 2 real leaves. The new container should not be too large, a diameter of 8-10 cm is sufficient.

Two weeks after the picking , Pelargonium is time to feed liquid organic fertilizers and repeat this procedure every 10 days, using fertilizers for flowering plants.

Geranium does not like moist air. Equally well blooms both in the penumbra and in the sun. If you want to land geranium in the open ground, you can do it already in mid-May.