How to cook dumplings in a saucepan?

After reading the title of this article, the faces of many housewives will be bewildered and smile. Who does not know how to cook dumplings in a saucepan? But in fact, even those who prepared this traditional, originally Russian dish hundreds of times, probably do not know about the existing subtleties and tricks, considering that during cooking can significantly improve the quality and taste of the product at the outlet.

In addition, do not forget that each of us once cooked any of the dishes for the first time, and therefore our ranks are filled daily by new young housewives for whom the information in this article will be especially interesting, because in it we will tell how to cook dumplings in a saucepan.

How correctly to cook pelmeni in a saucepan?

Let's start, perhaps, with the choice of the pot itself. Sufficiently large dish. Its volume is determined based on the number of pelmeni that you are going to cook. So, for example, to cook one kilogram of pelmeni, you need to take at least three liters of purified water, filling it with dishes by no more than two thirds, and ideally half. The container with water is placed on high heat and let it boil. Now an important moment that can not be missed, so as not to spoil the taste of the prepared dish. Water must be salted, and in such quantity that it was slightly salted. If you want, you can add at this stage a couple of leaves of the laurel, several peas of sweet-scented peppers or other spices that you like. This will somewhat change the taste of the dish and give it a peculiar piquancy.

Before we lower the dumplings into a boiling liquid, we begin to stir it intensively with a large spoon in a circle, creating a kind of whirlpool. Such a technique will help to avoid sticking pelmets to the bottom of the pan or one to another. After all the dumplings are already in the water, continue to maintain the whirlpool for another two minutes, gently stirring the contents of the dishes in one direction with a spoon, preferably wooden. When cooking frozen products, such continuous stirring should be maintained for one or two minutes longer. Some mistresses also add a little vegetable oil to the water, arguing that the dumplings do not exactly stick together. But even with this, the fact of stirring at the beginning of cooking is not recommended to be neglected.

How much to cook dumplings in a saucepan?

After completing all the previous recommendations, cover the pan with a lid and wait for the products to float to the surface of the water and re-boil it. After this, as a rule, two to three minutes are enough for the dumplings to reach the required degree of readiness. But here you need to take into account the thickness and composition of the dough, from which pelmeni were made, as well as the manufacturer's recommendations, if pelmenki were bought in the store.

When cooking dumplings from a pastry dough, it's enough just to wait for the full boiling of the contents of the pan, and if the dough is thick enough and its layer is not too thin, then boil such items for at least seven minutes.

Upon readiness, we extract aromatic pelmeni on a dish or in a bowl with butter , using a noisy, shake a little, so that the oil completely covers their surface and is served to the table with your favorite sauces or simply sour cream.

How to cook dumplings in a saucepan with broth?

Ready-made dumplings can also be served in the broth in which they were brewed. In this case, before you put in the boiling vodichku products, add to the already salted water laurel, pepper and other favorite spices. As soon as the dumplings are ready, we spread them on plates, season them with chopped herbs, fill them with broth and serve.