Raw buckwheat with yogurt - good and bad

Many women who dream of losing weight want to learn about the benefits and harm of raw buckwheat with yogurt. This is a fairly popular recipe, but before using it, let's still consider what substances contain the prepared dish.

What is useful for raw buckwheat, filled with yogurt?

Speaking about the benefits of raw buckwheat with yogurt, it should be said about the composition of each ingredient of this dish.

The composition of buckwheat can be called unique, this groats practically does not contain carbohydrates, despite the fact that the amount of protein in it is really huge. Croup also contains potassium, iron, metabolism and C, cobalt, copper and boron. All these trace elements help not only increase hemoglobin, but also lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Kefir contains protein, calcium and vitamins B and A. This sour milk product helps to remove slags and harmful substances from the body, helps to establish digestive processes.

In combination, these products help to remove toxins and toxins from the body, and to regulate metabolism , and at the same time saturate the body with vitamins and the necessary trace elements. That's why raw buckwheat with kefir is used to lose weight by many girls.

In order to prepare a dish you need only 1 cup of cereals to pour 0,5 l of fermented milk product and leave to swell for the night. In the morning, ½ cooked "cereal" is eaten, and in the evening the remaining part. In just 10 days the girl will notice that her weight has decreased, of course, if at lunch she will not allow herself to "eat half of the cake". After this time, experts recommend taking a break for the same period, after which the course can be repeated. It is worth remembering that such a diet can not be used by those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, for example, gastritis, ulcers, colitis.