Gonarthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree - treatment

Gonarthrosis - arthrosis of the knee joint, deforming arthrosis - a disease in which there is a progressive destruction of articular cartilage.

Symptoms and stages of gonarthrosis

In the development of the disease, doctors distinguish 3 degrees:

  1. When gonarthrosis 1 degree of pain occurs only after prolonged physical exertion. In the region of the knee, there may be a slight swelling, which quickly passes by itself. At this stage, it is possible to cope with the problem of traditional medicine methods.
  2. With gonarthrosis of the knee joints of the 2nd degree, the pains become frequent or constant, arise even in a state of rest and are intensified after exercise. When walking, flexing and unbending the leg in the knee, there may be a crunch and clicks. The knee is swollen almost constantly, its apparent deformation is observed. In addition, there is a joint stiffness, which can decrease throughout the day. At night, there may be pain in the calf muscles. Treatment of gonarthosis of the 2d degree requires taking a number of potent drugs, and folk remedies can only be used as auxiliary ones.
  3. With gonarthrosis of grade 3, there is visible significant deformation of the joint, constant pain, restriction of mobility, even to the impossibility of stepping on the aching leg, marked lameness. Conservative treatment at this stage is usually ineffective and surgical intervention is required.

How to treat gonarthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree?

With the 2nd degree of knee joint gonarthrosis, treatment with conservative methods is still possible, but it should be performed under strict medical supervision. Treatment of gonarthrosis includes a whole range of measures:

  1. Reception of medicines.
  2. If possible, reduce the load on the affected joint. With unilateral gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree, the use of the cane is a good way to reduce the load, but in the bilateral form of the disease, when both knees are affected, this method is not available and it is necessary to limit oneself to special knee pads.
  3. Physiotherapy - laser, magnetotherapy , electrophoresis, low frequency vibration. Helps reduce puffiness, pain and inflammation.
  4. Massages, manual therapy and therapeutic gymnastics. They help improve blood supply, joint development and restoration of normal mobility.
  5. The diet for gonarthrosis of the knee joint of the 2 nd degree is an obligatory component of the treatment and is called upon to normalize the weight (since the fat deposits create an additional load on the joints) and ensure the intake of the necessary vitamins and minerals. Food should be divided (4-5 times a day), contain a small amount of fat and as little salt as possible, be rich in plant and animal proteins, B, C and D. vitamins.

Preparations for the treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint of the 2 nd degree

The standard regimen for the treatment of gonarthrosis involves taking medications of such groups:

1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

They are used primarily to relieve the pain syndrome and to a greater extent eliminate the symptoms than have a prolonged therapeutic effect.

2. Hondoprotectors:

These are medicines containing synthetic analogues of the substances that make up the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. Contribute to the restoration of cartilage, but should be taken regularly, long courses. To the same group include preparations of hyaluronic acid, which is an analogue of articular lubrication.

3. Intra-articular injections of corticosteroids. They are used in short courses for acute symptoms and severe pain.

4. Ointments and compresses - used to relieve swelling and reduce pain. Of the ointments, the most effective are preparations based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

For compresses most often used drugs such as Bischofite and Dimexid .