Meat of wild boar - good and bad

Meat of wild boar has a specific taste and a significant set of useful properties. The benefit and harm of the boar meat is especially of interest to those who first encountered this product. But seasoned hunters and their loved ones often prefer kabanya to a softer, but more fat pork.

What is useful for boar meat?

The meat of a wild boar is quite different from a pig, although these animals are close relatives. The main reason for this is the huge differences in their diet. The domestic pig is fed with the expectation of building up meat and fat, but the wild animal does not need excess weight . That is why the boar meat is more lean, and its caloric content is lower - only 122 kcal (in pork - from 316 to 489 kcal).

For the people following the figure, the boar can become an excellent low-calorie source of proteins and minerals, because this animal in nature eats a variety of food, mainly - vegetable. One of the most useful components of wild boar meat is phosphorus. It is necessary for a good state of teeth and nails, joint health and good metabolism .

Useful properties are not only the meat of the wild boar, but also its fat and liver. Fat in folk medicine is used to treat pneumonia and bronchitis, and the liver helps with hepatitis and cirrhosis.

To prepare a tasty dish from the boar, you need to know some tricks. If the meat was taken from an adult animal, it may have a specific flavor that not everyone likes. To get rid of the smell, soak in water or a weak solution of vinegar will help. Most of all, the boar is suitable for baking, frying or cooking shish kebabs. The second dishes from the boar meat are prepared with aromatic spices and herbs.

What is dangerous meat boar?

The cabbage can be dangerous if infected with parasites - trichinella larvae. If you use such meat for food, the probability of trichinosis is very high. Therefore, the meat of the wild boar, like other game, should be checked in the laboratory.