How to drink activated carbon to cleanse the body?

Activated charcoal is one of the cheapest medicines. Therefore, many are accustomed to consider it ineffective. But this is a big mistake. Since drinking activated charcoal can not only be used for treatment, but also for cleansing the body. The agent is a very high quality sorbent. He is still prescribed for poisoning and allergies. And the recognition of modern doctors is expensive.

Benefits of using activated carbon to cleanse the body

The ecological situation in more or less large cities leaves much to be desired. A lot of pollutants are released into the air, which penetrate into the body and stay in it. For a long time harmful substances can not make themselves felt, but this does not mean that they do not harm health.

Since the use of activated carbon to cleanse the body is not difficult, experts recommend it at least once a year. Penetrating into the body, the sorbent absorbs all harmful substances, which are subsequently taken out together with the tablets. This process is called entersorption. The procedure is completely painless and pretty quick. In addition to the gastrointestinal tract, it helps to cleanse the blood. The only problem is that coal does not adsorb methanol, ethylene glycol, iron salts, acids, alkalis.

How to use activated charcoal to cleanse the body?

The medicine is really considered harmless, but this does not mean that they can be abused. The optimal dosage is selected depending on the weight of a person at the rate of one tablet per ten kilograms. You need to drink sorbent twice a day. The duration of the treatment course varies from two to four weeks.

It is important to understand that when the body cleanses the activated carbon of acne or allergens, in addition to harmful substances, useful minerals and vitamins are also produced. That is why it is strictly recommended not to drink the drug longer than the prescribed time. Otherwise, be ready to face constipation, attacks of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and general weakness.

Every evening during the drug, experts recommend drinking several glasses of water. This will significantly speed up the effect of the drug.

Using activated charcoal to cleanse the body for allergies, do not drink any other medicines. Otherwise, the latter simply will not work.