15 unpretentious houseplants for the most busy idlers

Houseplants, behind which the practical does not need to look after.

Agree, nothing so decorates the interior of your home, like bright flowers in nice little pots. These home plants not only delight the eye with the riot of colors, but also benefit, absorbing harmful substances of synthetic furniture upholstery, carpets, curtains and other details of your interior.

Some house plants have medicinal properties and were indispensable in many families. But sometimes taking care of indoor plants takes a lot of time, requires certain knowledge and not everyone can cope with it.

If you are a beginner florist, often go out, or work at home takes a long time, we offer you a selection of the most unpretentious indoor plants that do not require special care, but can decorate your house no worse than expensive and exotic.

1. Scarlet or sage

Perhaps, the most popular indoor plant of our mothers and grandmothers is primarily due to its medicinal properties. Everyone knows his ability to cope with purulent wounds, heal cuts and burns. And aloe juice helps very well with a cold. All species of this plant are typical succulents, great lovers of sunlight. They do not like frequent watering and are great for those who are forced to spend most of their time away from home. The place in the house for them is picked up by the sun, on a window sill or on sunny verandas, and in summer scarlet can be taken out into the open air. Do not try to create artificial lighting for them in the winter with fluorescent lamps. This leads to stretching the plant and loss of appearance. It is better to keep it in a cool light place and water once a month. Abundant watering can cause rotting of the roots of the plant. In the summer scarlet is watered only after the top layer of soil in the pot dries.

2. Chlorophytum

This is a rather unpretentious houseplant, which is not difficult to grow even for beginners in indoor floriculture. Chlorophytum can be attributed to both sun-loving and shade-tolerant plants. Best of all, it feels in a light or slightly darkened place. The bright color of the variegated forms is slightly lost in the shade. This plant easily tolerates direct sunlight for several hours. Chlorophytum is best placed in the kitchen, as it easily cleans the room of harmful gases.

3. Dracaena

There are several species of this houseplant. Two of them are very simple to clean. This is dracene fringed and draceno draco. They withstand shading and do not require frequent watering and spraying. In modern homes and offices, dracenes serve as decorative adornments due to their exotic appearance.

4. Sansevieria

If you can not grow an orchid or an orange tree, and all your attempts end in complete failure - do not be discouraged! Start with sansevierii. This very beautiful house plant of the Agavov family can easily be classified as "non-exterminated". It carries shadow and sun, dry air, humidity and coolness. It also protects against the accumulation of harmful substances emitted by linoleum and synthetics. In a bright sun, sansevieria can even blossom, but it does not tolerate waterlogging and low temperatures. It is not necessary to transplant it, but when it releases too many roots, the pot itself can crack. It is better to buy just two flowers, because in itself it is a very beautiful and undoubtedly useful plant.

5. The fat girl

If you want prosperity and abundance to come to your house, and all your endeavors are lucky - buy a home plant called a peasant, known in the people as a money tree. It does not blossom, but grows to huge proportions, has very beautiful leaves of a juicy green hue, does not require special care, but does not like waterlogging and dark corners. Decorate the interior of any home or office.

6. Abutilone (indoor maple)

Another unpretentious, but very effective indoor plant. Its large flowers are bell-shaped and come in various colors: white, pink, yellow, red, and the leaves look like maple. Hence the name. Abutilone tolerates dryness and heat in the apartment, and a pot with this plant can be placed on a window sill or at some distance from it. Water them a little - otherwise they will not bloom. The plant does not require special feeding: all you need is to enrich the soil once every three weeks with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants. Abutilon not only creates a pleasant atmosphere in the house, but also perfectly moisturizes the air.

7. Hibiscus

The second name of this plant is a Chinese rose. It is a bush with huge and very beautiful flowers-bowls. Different varieties of this plant have different colors of flowers. More often - it's red flowers, but there are white, and pink, and even in speckles. Hibiscus blossoms all year round, which means that in winter you will have a little summer in your apartment. This flower loves light and it needs to be kept on the windowsill. Also it should be watered regularly and fed in winter. But the beauty is worth it.

8. Japanese fatsia

If there is not a lot of light in your house, and you think that the conditions for indoor plants are completely inappropriate, safely plant a Japanese fatsiyu. It is a shade-tolerant and disease-resistant plant with very large and beautiful leaves, like leaves of chestnut. It feels great even near the central heating battery and at the same time it moisturizes the air in the room well, promotes a healthy sleep.

9. "Living stones"

These are very unusual houseplants. In appearance they resemble pebbles, and are accustomed to the Spartan conditions of content: they grow on stones, and in winter they do not require watering at all. Very different in shape and color, these "living stones" will be an excellent decoration of your room, and in spring you will be pleased with unusual flowers.

10. Geranium

A bright blossom attracts attention geranium, which can also be safely attributed to unpretentious domestic plants. Geranium is rightly considered a symbol of home comfort, and was brought to Europe in the middle of the XVII century. Now numerous varieties of flowers amaze the imagination with a variety of colors and shapes. And if you do not have enough time for more careful care of her, the geranium will still bloom, but not so abundantly.

11. Kalanchoe

This houseplant, like scarlet, has long been known as a medicinal plant that does not require any care. Lately, many beautiful flowering hybrids of Kalanchoe have appeared. Watering the plant can be rare. It is a shade-tolerant flower that without harshness brings out sharp temperature changes, blooms long and grows slowly, because of what does not need frequent transplants.

12. Cactus

If you want to surprise friends and relatives with flowering indoor plants, acquire a cactus or create a whole collection. It will not take long, and caring for it is simple enough. There are many kinds of cacti that are well developed and stable, every year, bloom on the windowsills. The most persistent species of these plants were not large and spherical. Cactus flowers have a variety of shades. All of them are very bright and juicy, and will become an ornament of any room.

13. Ficus

The family of ficuses has a very wide variety of representatives. Among them there are at all unpretentious, which do not require special care: ficus rubber, ficus lyrate. They successfully cope with the neutralization of harmful impurities in the air, have a special energy, creating a feeling of coziness and comfort. Most of them perfectly fit into any style of the interior.

14. Spathiphyllum

A very popular home plant because of its flower, which looks like a white calla. It periodically blooms without any interference from our side. Spathiphyllum - shade-tolerant, does not require special care, does not like excessive moistening of the soil (can rotate the roots). In addition to the beautiful appearance, spathiphyllum perfectly moisturizes the air.

15. Begonia

A very beautiful flowering plant, as if specially created for dark places in the room. The bright light of begonia does not like. Varieties of this plant are huge. All of them abundantly bloom and have spectacular mottled leaves. Begonia equally well tolerates heat and coolness. But they need high humidity. Spraying the leaves is not worth it, since they like direct contact with water. In order not to dry up the roots, begonia should be watered regularly.