Activated charcoal for body cleansing - secrets of application

Activated charcoal for the purification of the body creates real miracles: it gives good health and ensures longevity. However, this effect is guaranteed only in such a case, when the sorbent is used competently. If you take it wrong, you can cause serious harm to the digestive tract.

Why purify the body?

To consume products digested, you need special enzymes. However, because of the rapid pace of life, many people have to eat fast food, often eating which leads to a metabolic disorder. The situation is aggravated by drinking poor-quality water, alcohol abuse, smoking and long-term use of certain medications.

As a result, the body can not cope with the digestion of food: some of it turns into slag. They accumulate in the gaustres. In an adult human body, 10-25 kg of such "garbage" can be stored. In addition, in the process of decay, undigested food releases toxins. These harmful substances spread through the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. As a result, all organs are intoxicated.

If you cleanse the body, this will have a positive effect on the following points:

  1. Extra pounds will go away.
  2. Normal operation of the digestive system.
  3. There will be a rejuvenation of the body.
  4. The skin condition will improve.
  5. Stop the torment of malaise, loss of strength and headaches.

Sorbents for cleansing the body

Such substances are used to remove toxins and toxins, stimulate the digestive processes. In addition, they lower the level of cholesterol. The best sorbents for cleansing the body can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Carbon - they are based on granular and activated carbon. According to the principle of action, they are similar to a sponge: they absorb all harmful substances from the body.
  2. Natural - this is the safest sorbents. These include bran, dietary fiber and so on.
  3. Ion exchange resins are used when there is a need to make cardinal changes inside the body.
  4. Other sorbents are substances that have a rich chemical composition. They include clay and zeolite.

How to use activated carbon to cleanse the body?

This sorbent is distinguished by its excellent ability to absorb various substances and retain them. This effect is provided by the porous structure. It is made from charcoal. This sorbent is produced in the following forms:

Such a sorbent does not irritate the walls of the digestive tract, it is not digested and not absorbed. However, before taking activated charcoal to cleanse the body, it must be taken into account that it is not selective. In other words, together with toxic substances, this sorbent absorbs minerals, vitamins and other valuable substances. As a result, prolonged intake of activated carbon leads to the exhaustion of the body.

Taking this sorbent, it is necessary to remember the following recommendations:

  1. It can not be combined with other medicines, because it neutralizes the effect of the latter.
  2. Inadmissible overdose. There may be colic, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms.
  3. You can not simultaneously take the sorbent with dairy products, foods rich in fiber, and sour drinks.

Cleansing the body with activated carbon for weight loss

To cope with excess weight will help a special diet. It is designed for 10 days. If necessary, after a 2-week break, you can repeat it. If activated charcoal is taken to cleanse the body for weight loss, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. It is necessary to observe the water balance. For this purpose it is recommended to drink purified drinking water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of human weight per day. If the body does not get the right amount of fluid, the internal organs and systems will malfunction.
  2. During the period of purification, alcoholic beverages should be discarded. Alcohol provokes an appetite and contributes to intoxication of the body.
  3. It is necessary to completely abandon the salinity, sweets and fatty foods.

How to drink activated carbon for body cleansing and losing weight:

  1. On the first day of the diet you need to drink 3 tablets, the next day - 1 more and so on. As a result, you need to come to the ratio of 1 pill per 10 kg of weight (this is the maximum dosage). This is the first reception scheme.
  2. Every day, take 10 tablets (regardless of weight). It is advisable to drink several pieces at a time, making 3-hour breaks between doses. This is the second scheme of reception.

Cleansing the body with activated carbon from acne

Problem skin is directly related to pathology in the digestive tract. However, self-medication should not be done. The use of activated carbon to cleanse the body should be performed under the supervision of a doctor. Only in this case the treatment will be absolutely safe. When you take a sorbent, you need to consider the following:

  1. Activated carbon can be taken to cleanse the body in small courses and with interruptions. Prolonged use is prohibited!
  2. After taking sorbents, you need to drink probiotics .
  3. If other medicines are prescribed to fight acne, in addition to activated charcoal, they should be drunk with a time interval (2-3 hours). Otherwise, the sorbents will neutralize the effect of other drugs.

Cleansing the body with activated carbon for allergies

In the treatment of this disease, the most effective is considered a comprehensive approach. It involves cleansing the body of "infection" and toxins. To help in this, sorbents come. Allergists recommend drinking 2 courses a year (in spring and autumn). Dosage and duration of treatment in each case are individual, therefore, they should be prescribed by a doctor. Cleansing the body with activated carbon gives tremendous results:

Cleansing the body of the slag with activated carbon

Undigested food rots in the intestinal tract. This is accompanied by abundant gas formation, nausea, diarrhea and other discomfort. Coping with such unpleasant symptoms will help cleanse the body of the slag with activated carbon. Calculate the required number of tablets according to the following scheme: 1 pill per 10 kg of weight. Take sorbent should be twice or thrice a day. Already after 2-3 days, the condition is relieved.

How much do you take activated charcoal to cleanse the body?

The duration of sorbent intake varies in each specific case. Traditionally, the course of cleansing the body with activated charcoal lasts 10-14 days. If necessary, after 2-week break it can be repeated. However, sorbent can not be taken for a long time, since this can lead to serious consequences - against the background of vitamin depletion, irreversible processes will start:

Cleansing the body with activated carbon - contraindications

Although this sorbent is considered safe, not everyone suits it. Has activated charcoal and contraindications, therefore from its reception it is necessary to refuse at such diseases: