Baked apple - calorie content

Apples are rightly considered one of the most accessible, useful and dietary products. They try to eat all year round. Apples are often included in various diets. They do not contain fat and are 87% water. This fruit is an indispensable source of fiber and pectin, and also has a low glycemic index , that is, it is very slowly absorbed, and, therefore, the eaten apple is not stored as fat. In large quantities, apples contain vitamin C. Green apples contain more vitamins and iron, and in the composition of red - sugar. Green varieties of apples do not cause allergic reactions. No less useful are baked apples. On an empty stomach they have a slight diuretic effect. Baked apples are useful for constipation, puffiness, poor digestion and cholecystitis. Apples are also used as an anti-inflammatory drug. They are a natural sorbent. Regular use of apples improves the nervous system.

How many calories are in the baked apple?

Baked apples are both tasty and useful. Depending on the type of apple and the recipe for baking, the calories in the baked apple will be different. If you bake a red apple, the number of calories will be higher than in green. For example, in three small baked apples without sugar and other additives will contain 208 kcal. Caloric content of baked apples in the oven with sugar, honey or cinnamon will be greater and can reach from 70 kcal and above for 100 grams of baked product. If you bake the same three apples and sprinkle them with sugar, the calorific value of the whole dish will increase to 290 calories. The calorie content of a baked apple without sugar and additional ingredients is 67.8 kcal per 100 grams. Given the low calorie content of a baked apple, it can be eaten with various diets, especially if there are problems with the digestive system.