How delicious to fry fish in a frying pan?

The fact that the fish is useful is known to everyone, perhaps. From this article you will learn how to fry fish in a frying pan correctly and tasty.

How to fry fish in a batter in a frying pan?



Defrosted naturally fish fillet cut into small pieces, lightly sprinkled with lemon juice and podsalivaem. As long as the fish is missed, we prepare the fish: break the eggs, blend them, pour in the milk, add a little salt and whisk again. In small portions, pour in the flour and mix it, so that the mass has acquired the consistency of sour cream. We drop the fish in flour, then dip it into the batter and fry in a frying pan in hot oil. Fry until the batter becomes golden. We turn and cook on the second side. After that, place the fish on the napkins to remove excess oil.

How to fry the river fish in a frying pan?



Before cooking, we prepare a river fish - clean, gut, remove fins and tail. We thoroughly wash it and dry it. Cut the fish portionwise pieces. If the fish are small, then they can not be divided into parts, and fry entirely. By the way, quite a few do not like river fish, since it has a very specific smell. So, to get rid of it, put pieces of fish into milk at room temperature and leave the minutes for 20. And then rinse and dry. Prepared fish soli, pritirushivaem spices, carefully mix and leave for 10 minutes. In the frying pan, heat a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, pile the pieces in flour and send them to a frying pan. And for the fish to come out with a crisp crust, add a pinch of salt to the boiling oil. Fry for 5 minutes on each side.

How to fry red fish in a frying pan?



We clean the fish from the scales remnants, mine and dry it. Then we cut into slices about 2 cm thick. We pound the fish with salt, pepper, add a small pinch of sugar and lemon juice. Add about 30 ml of refined vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. We cover the dishes with the fish cover and leave it for about an hour. Fry the fish until the crust appears for about 6 minutes on each side.