How to develop clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance is the ability to foresee something or restore fragments of the past. It is believed that having such unique abilities is a gift that is passed on from generation to generation. However, if you have a strong natural intuition - your chances are great to develop this gift, but it will require tremendous efforts in working on yourself.

People who have the gift to foresee the future know how to develop intuition and clairvoyance in people, without propensity to prophesy, for this it is necessary to learn how to use the ajna-chakra, which is also called the "third eye". There are many exercises in order to engage in the daily life of the third eye, which is able to catch an aura of what is happening, regardless of whether or not the normal organs of vision are working, that is, even with the eyes closed the clairvoyant is able to catch biological waves from surrounding objects.

Asked how to develop the gift of clairvoyance, remember that an ordinary person uses only a small fraction of the activity of the cerebral cortex, therefore, having learned to control the subconscious and transfer information from him to a conscious understanding, open beyond ability. Do not be afraid to give vent to intuition (but not fantasy), learn to focus and feel the energy of various representatives of living and inanimate nature.

How to develop clairvoyance?

Starting to master various techniques and techniques that activate the third eye, first clearly formulate a goal and decide - are you ready daily, for several hours focused to work on yourself. If you are determined, then start with exercises that teach you to focus. For example, close your eyes and learn to determine where your pet is, while you do not need to remember your pet's favorite places or try to listen, sniff.

The next stage consists in exercises with a photo - learn to determine what is depicted on an inverted photo (nature or person), feel the energy from portraits (whether this person is alive, whether he is kind, etc.). From the photo, clairvoyants can tell a lot about a person, from the bright events in his destiny to the preferred color in clothes.

You can develop clairvoyance, both independently and at the training of small groups. The main guarantee of success is to learn to "disconnect" the usual analyzers (hearing, sight, smell, etc.), but to get used to feeling the surrounding energy with the "all-seeing third eye".