International Day of Brunettes

Of course, there are no official documents confirming the existence of the International Brunette Day. This is a spontaneously established holiday, celebrated in different countries and organized by various organizations.

Is there a Brunette Day holiday?

The day of brunettes is a holiday that arose in opposition to the International Day of Blondes , celebrated on May 31. The greater part of the population of the Earth has precisely a dark color of hair, and it would be simply insulting to girls, if for them there was no own occasion to note it. But with an exact date, when you should celebrate the Day of Brunettes, it's much harder to decide. The fact is that, since this holiday is unofficial, it is proposed in the world to use several dates for it at once.

So, the most common opinion on the question of what day it is worth celebrating the Day of Brunettes is the date of May 28. Ostensibly on this day one of the fashion magazines, noticing the injustice that the dark-haired girls do not have their own holiday, decided to award the most outstanding brunette of their country to the award. The idea of ​​the Day of Brunettes was picked up and began to be celebrated a few days before the Day of Blondes. However, there are other dates that are also used as festive for owners of black and chestnut hair. This is 12 May, 7 June and 8 August. There was also a proposal to mark the celebrations for the birthday of Gina Lollobrigida - one of the most beautiful brunettes in history - and celebrate it on July 4th.

How is Brunette Day celebrated?

Since there is no exact date for the holiday, any organization and individual who wishes to celebrate it are free to choose the most suitable number for him. This is used by numerous nightclubs, cafes, restaurants and other entertainment establishments. Most often they announce a certain date "Brunette Day" and prepare an entertainment program for this occasion. The girls are invited to participate in various contests, competitions "Brunettes against blondes", fashion shows and revealing the most beautiful brunette of the party. In addition, dark-haired young ladies are given various pleasant gifts and bonuses, such as a free pass to a party, a glass of champagne at the expense of the institution and much more. Also on the Day of Brunettes, various glossy publications hold awards for dark-haired girls who have distinguished themselves in this or that field.