Kristen Stewart meets with the former lover Kara Delevin

Weddings Kristen Stewart and Alicia Kargail will not be! Star of the vampire saga "Twilight" broke off the engagement with her former assistant and found a new love in the face of ex-bride Kara Delevin singer Annie Clarke, Western media reported.

Not bad together

26-year-old Kristen Stewart and her friend Alicia Cardgail, who used to photograph paparazzi almost every day, did not appear together for a long time. But Stewart is increasingly seen with Annie Clark, acting under the pseudonym of St Vincent.

Girls meet and have fun while walking around New York. In public, celebrities try to behave with restraint, but judging by the pictures, they are not exactly bored with the two of them.

Love polygon

The feelings of the creative Stewart, who most recently could not rejoice in her reunion with Alicia Cardgail, are fickle. It is rumored that Kristen put an eye on Annie, that she did not like the jealous Alicia, whom the actress promised a serious relationship and the creation of a family in the future.

Proud Cardgayl returned the engagement ring to her star friend and left, slamming the door. Having become free, Stewart decided to act and seduced Clark, who, in turn, abandoned supermodel Caru Delvigne.

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