Aquarium Feng Shui

The presence of an aquarium in the house on feng shui makes it possible to generate money luck in it, because both fish and water symbolize wealth and abundance. But note that the size of the aquarium must match the size of the room. Excess water can bring in the house not wealth, but big problems.

The location of the aquarium on feng shui is also of no small importance. An aquarium with fish is obliged to activate the zone of wealth (the southeast sector). Failure to comply with certain rules for handling the aquarium may result in trouble.

Where to put feng shui aquarium?

It's good when the fish live in a common room.

Aquarium, located along the door, will bring luck and well-being to the house, but if it is outside the door, the qi flow will pass by.

The aquarium in the corner will attract "secret happiness" and seclusion to the owner. The finding of aquarium fish by the passage has a positive effect on all tenants, especially the head of the family.

Where it is not necessary to keep an aquarium with fish?

Bad, if the aquarium is located opposite the front door, the money will "drain" from the house.

It is not advisable to put the aquarium between the doors. Since the flow of qi moves continuously from door to door, which means that well-being will constantly leave the house.

Do not live fish and under the ceiling beam. It is like a sword over the well-being of a home.

The aquarium in the kitchen, and opposite the kitchen, according to Feng Shui, does more harm than good. Since the kitchen is a symbol of the hearth, and the combination of fire and water gives tough resistance and conflict, which leads to financial problems.

Aquarium in the bedroom feng shui does not welcome. It is believed that the presence of an aquarium in the bedroom very adversely affects the health of people who are sleeping there.

What kind of fish should I choose?

It is better to buy goldfish , which they associate with Taoists with wealth. The Chinese advise to keep nine fish at home: eight gold (red) and one black.

Red fish symbolize the development and prosperity of the house, and black provides protection. When troubles are knocked on the house, the black fish takes on the whole negative. And if she dies, it's a sign that all the inhabitants of the house have avoided negative events.

Anyone who is not limited in means, can start a "dragon" fish Arovanu. This is one of the main symbols of feng shui. According to the legend, when the arovana changes color from silver to red, its owner will receive unthinkable wealth.

And remember the main thing for the fish should be carefully looked after ! The better the care, the more favorable the money luck. If the fish do not receive the proper attention, luck can take offense and go away.