Glomerulonephritis in children

Kidneys are a very important organ in the human body and form the basis of the urinary system, since it is the ponies that perform the function of urine production. One of the most common kidney diseases in children is glomerulonephritis. It is an infectious-allergic disease, in which there is an immune inflammation in the glomeruli of the kidney. At the time of birth, the kidneys are already fully formed, although they have some peculiarities. For example, in young children, the kidneys are rounded and located lower than in adults. Pathology in the glomerulus of the kidney can occur at different ages, but most often this disease occurs in children 3-12 years. Often the prognosis of glomerulonephritis development depends on the age at which the first signs of the disease appeared. Thus, in children 10 years of age and older, this pathology often turns into a chronic form.

Causes of glomerulonephritis in children

Symptoms of glomerulonephritis in children

Already on the first day of the manifestation of the disease, the child has weakness, appetite decreases, urine output decreases, thirst appears. In some cases, at the initial stages glomerulonephritis can be accompanied by a rise in temperature, headaches, nausea and vomiting. One of the most common signs of glomerulonephritis in children is the occurrence of edema on the face, and later on the lower back and legs. In infants, edema is in most cases located on the sacrum and lower back. With the development of the disease, the child has noticeable pallor, he quickly becomes tired and begins to be troubled by aching, bilateral pain in the lower back. With glomerulonephritis, a large number of erythrocytes enter the urine, which gives it the color of meat slops. The increased pressure observed for three months or more may indicate an acute or chronic form of glomerulonephritis in children.

Treatment of glomerulonephritis in children

In this disease, as a rule, inpatient treatment is prescribed, under the close supervision of specialists, especially if this treatment of acute glomerulonephritis in children. The course of treatment of glomerulonephritis in children includes a special diet, appropriate regimen and medication. Based on the results of the examination, the nephrologist determines the need for taking a particular component. Drugs are prescribed based on the type of causative agent (bacterial flora or viral). On average, hospital treatment lasts from 1.5 to 2 months. And then only systematic observation of the child is carried out in order to prevent a possible relapse. Monthly examination with a nephrologist with the delivery of urinalysis should last for 5 years from the time of recovery. The child should be protected from infections and it is desirable to free him from physical training at school.

Glomerulonephritis is a serious disease that is very difficult to carry out and can cause a number of undesirable consequences. In order to avoid all this, it is necessary to transgress the treatment process as early as possible.