Cervix before menstruation

As is known, in the female body everything is interconnected and directed to achieve the main goal: conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Each month there is a coordinated work of many organs, the result of which is ovulation - the exit of a mature egg from the follicle. If conception does not occur, the body is rebuilt for menstruation, banishing an unused egg from itself in order to repeat the whole cycle the next month. In this article we will talk about how the cervix changes in different phases of the menstrual cycle , what position it takes before the menstrual cycle .

How to conduct a survey?

The cervix is ​​a hollow body measuring 2.5 * 3 cm, connecting the vagina and the uterus. To grope for the cervix, each woman can independently, for this you need to insert into the vagina the middle finger for the entire length. Detected at the end of the vagina tubercle or convexity is the desired cervix. By examining in different phases of the menstrual cycle for several cycles, a woman can independently learn to distinguish between the position and condition of the cervix, which will help her without any tests to find out whether a pregnancy has come or the body is preparing for menstruation. Also, such self-examination will help determine the favorable and not favorable periods for conception.

The most accessible cervix in the following positions:

For the study to be reliable, the position with it must always be the same. To conduct research is after the end of menstruation, once a day, preferably at one time. Do not manipulate if you suspect vaginal infections, inflammatory processes in the genitals or during menstruation.

How to understand how high the cervix is?

If the cervix is ​​in a low position, it can easily be felt by the middle of the finger pad, while in the high one it is difficult to reach it with the tip. The degree of opening is defined as follows: in the closed position, the depression in the middle of the cervix resembles a small slit, and in the open it becomes deeper and more rounded.

What is the cervix before menstruation?

In order to assess the state of the cervix before the monthly, draw an analogy with the outside world. The cervix before the monthly behaves just like a dry and hard ground, unable to receive and nurture a seed: it descends, becomes firm, dry and closes tightly, occupying a lower position. For clarity, you can compare it with the tip of the nose, the same it is firm and dense. The mucus filling the cervical canal becomes thick, tightly closing the cervical canal and interfering with the penetration of spermatozoa.

In the period of ovulation, when the woman's body prepares for possible conception, the cervix is ​​like a plowed land, ready to take the seed: it is moist and loose, occupies a high position. The "entrance gates" of the cervix - its external yawn - are hospitably open to Spermatozoa without unnecessary obstacles could pass through the cervical canal and meet with the ovum. This process is facilitated by liquid slime filling the cervical canal.

Cervix during menstruation

During menstruation, the cervix becomes slightly softened and ajar to facilitate the release of menstrual blood. It is the opening of the cervix during menstruation and becomes a source of unpleasant and painful sensations in many women.

Cervix in pregnancy

A hard, closed and upturned cervix can testify to the pregnancy that has occurred.