Myostimulation - contraindications

Increasingly, we hear about miracle devices, myostimulators, which actuate impulse currents on the nerve endings, causing the muscles to contract. As a result, excess fat disappears, muscles acquire a tone, while a person who wants to adjust the figure, do not necessarily engage in sports and eat right. Let us consider whether fitness for lazy people is so useful and what contraindications miostimulation has.

Contraindications of myostimulation of the face

The impact of electrical impulses on the facial muscles gives good results, allowing you to remove puffiness, bags under the eyes, a second chin and fine wrinkles. However, this procedure is unacceptable for patients with:

The procedure for myostimulation of the face is not carried out with gold thread reinforcement during pregnancy.

Contraindications to myostimulation of the body

In addition to the diseases described above, the number of contraindications to the impact of electrical impulses on the body is:

If you underwent any surgery less than 9 months ago, you will have to wait with myostimulation. For patients with a pacemaker, the procedure is absolutely contraindicated!

Women can not perform electrostimulation of the breast without the consent of a mammologist.

Benefit and harm of myostimulation

Electrical impulses in medicine have been treated for many years by the affected nerve endings and muscles, joints, deposits salts. Sometimes, without miostimulation, a stroke can not be avoided.

To correct the figure, professional devices with a large number of remote electrodes are effective, but cheap, but advertised myostimulators for home use do not give the best effect and can even do harm to health. Professional apparatus, in spite of its high efficiency, is also dangerous because of the high current strength. Handle them only a qualified physiotherapist. Careless exploitation of such myostimulators can even lead to cardiac arrest.