Raspberry "The Orange Miracle"

Traditionally red and pink raspberry, so it is undesirable to eat people suffering from food allergies . Especially for them are derived varieties of favorite berries that do not have a "dangerous" color. These include a sort of patch raspberry "Orange miracle", which we will discuss in this article.

Raspberry "Orange miracle" - description

This raspberry is a compact shrub of medium height (up to 1.5 m). His shoots are upright, quite with a lot of thorns. If a lot of berries grow on one stem, then it can tend to the ground, therefore it is recommended to tie the bushes.

Fruiting in this variety usually begins in the middle of August and lasts until the frost. The berries have a conical shape and a beautiful yellow-orange color. On average, their weight leaves 5 grams, but can reach up to 7-10 g. They are very dense in structure, therefore they perfectly tolerate transportation and do not fall apart if after ripening they remain hanging on a branch. This raspberry is very juicy and aromatic, so it can be eaten both fresh and for sunsets.

Raspberry "Orange miracle" - planting and care

A distinctive feature of the variety "Orange miracle" is a high yield, but for this it is necessary to provide the bushes with the proper care:

  1. Planting seedlings of this variety should be carried out at the end of spring. For this it is necessary to choose a sunny place with loose and fertile soil. The earth around the seedlings must be immediately covered up. Prior to rooting raspberries should be watered regularly, avoiding overmoistening of the soil.
  2. The soil around the rust should be regularly loosened, but not deep (up to 5 cm). Watering should be moderate, but private. In the first half of the summer it is recommended to introduce fertilizers containing nitrogen, and in the second - complex fertilizers.
  3. After fruiting, it is necessary to cut all the branches completely, leaving a small stump above the soil level.