How to develop a child in 2 months?

For a kid and his young parents every day reveals something new! And now he is 2 months old. You understand your baby, why it cries, what bothers you when you want to eat. And he answers you with a radiant smile, trying to pronounce the first sounds. His gaze ceases to be sleepy and chaotic, he tries to follow closely the moving objects. If you put it on your tummy, it will briefly raise the head itself, but lying on its side, it turns over on the back.

The kid is already active, and this is only his first achievements. Already at such an early age you can help him to comprehend new opportunities. So, let's consider how to deal with a child in 2 months.

The crumb has already gotten a little stronger, but its legs and pens are not in the tonus, for this it is necessary to carry out complex massage techniques.

Massage for babies 2 months

  1. At this age, the child still has a strong grasping reflex. Help the baby open her palms, straightening her fists and gently stroking her fingers.
  2. Put your thumbs in the palm of your hand, the other four fingers grasp his fists and, lifting your arms up, do light vibratory movements.
  3. To strengthen the muscles of the back, lay the baby on its side and run it along the spine with the hand, the child will reflexively flex and unbend it. Thus it is necessary to hold the legs. Repeat this exercise and on the second side.
  4. Circular stroking of the tummy will develop its oblique muscles and will prevent the appearance of an umbilical hernia.
  5. Also, with your thumbs, press the baby's feet, this will develop their reflex flexion.

In addition to the stroking movements characteristic of babies at the age of 1 month, you can begin to embrace stroking, which stimulates blood circulation and strengthens muscles.

Thoracic gymnastics

Supplement the massage with gymnastics, this will greatly increase its effectiveness. Uncomplicated gymnastics for infants 2 months will develop their reflex skills and strengthen the motor apparatus.

  1. Put the baby on your stomach. About 15 seconds, he must keep his head itself.
  2. Also, lying on the tummy, dilute the baby legs, so that the feet are adjacent to each other, and the knees were slightly apart. Put your hand to the feet of the baby so that he can push away from her as much as possible. Having performed such an extension of his legs, he will move forward like a frog.
  3. From the initial position lying on the back, gently taking the baby under the armpits, slowly lift it into a sitting position and also slowly lower it back. Thus, it is possible to raise the child up to the standing position, so that he tries to push off the legs from the surface. Care must be taken to monitor the position of the head to avoid injury.

Such exercises with a two-month-old child should be done 1-2 times a day, an average of 5-8 times each exercise, depending on the load.

Developing playing

Developing games with a child in 2 months are no less important. At this age, the baby most actively develops hearing and vision, thinking and memory, new motor skills appear. Toys help you in this.

  1. To develop the motor skills of the hands, put the ball into the child's hand, let it try to squeeze it, feeling the shape of the object. Balls can be of different size and weight.
  2. You can collect pieces of different fabrics, for example, corduroy, silk and burlap. The child will be interested in these feelings, and he will not constantly hold the handles in the fist.
  3. Everything bright and sonorous attracts crumbs. Dress him with bright socks on the legs and pens. Moving, he will follow them, that develops his attention. For this, you can hang different pictures on the bed or use dolls that dress on the arm.
  4. Toy-pshchalki or rattles put the child in the handle. Squeezing it and hearing a squeak, he will learn to control his movements.
  5. Talk with the child, always answer his desire to "chat", this communication will develop his speech apparatus. Turn on soft music, see which melodies he likes and which ones he does not. Turn his attention to different sounds and, together with him, look for their sources.
  6. Sometimes dress up a baby in front of a mirror, so he will know himself. It will surprise and delight him.