Black mold on the walls - how to get rid?

Official medicine has long recognized the fact that black mold is a real threat to human health. Various types of pathogenic fungi affect open-ground plants, food products and building material of enclosed spaces.

The most urgent issue for apartment owners and apartment houses is how to remove black mold from the walls. Since all methods of combating the fungus are aimed at creating unfavorable conditions for its growth, everyone is looking for the most optimal way, leading to a positive result.

How to get rid of black mold on the walls?

  1. Any remedy will be ineffective if you do not attach importance to ventilation and humidity. Therefore, the first thing to do is to put in order the ventilation system and dry the room, for example with the aid of an air dryer.
  2. Acquisition of a liquid designed to fight the fungus. It can be a special antiseptic or chlorine-based (bleach). A good result can be achieved if the wall alternately apply both solutions.
  3. Destruction of the fungus with copper sulfate.
  4. Treatment of walls with formalin. Work with formalin should be extremely cautious, since it is a poison.
  5. Application on the surface of aroma oils (tea tree).
  6. A solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water) will help to get rid of mold.
  7. The antifungal property is hydrogen peroxide.
  8. Table vinegar is often used, both for combating the fungus, and for prevention.
  9. Wipe the wall, cleared of the fungus with a solution of borax (1 glass of substance is diluted in 4 liters of water), which is not washed off afterwards.
  10. Prevents the growth of mold extract of grapefruit seeds (20 drops for 2 cups of water).
  11. Than to process walls from a black mold, as not a solution which is not difficult for preparing in house conditions:

Strengthens the action of the ingredients by heating the liquid to 50 - 70 ° C.

What is the danger of black mold for a person?

Getting into the body of people with weak immunity, the mold disrupts the work of all organs and systems. Respiratory tracts and skin, the first to come into contact with spores, are affected most often. Almost all people who spend a long time in rooms where the walls are covered with a fungus, allergy symptoms are observed, and in the future, the weakest organ reacts to its presence.