The best exercises for the press

Many women, starting to work on creating a beautiful body, face the problem of choosing techniques. To create a beautiful tummy, different techniques offer dozens of options, and how not to get confused in such a variety and choose the most effective, best exercises for the press?

The best exercises for the abdominal

Now the majority of specialists in the field of fitness came to the conclusion that the most effective exercise for the abdominal press are simple twists, which complexly work out the muscles and allow the formation of a beautiful press line in a short time. Perform exercises in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions:

  1. Lay down on the floor, legs together, bent at the knees, hands behind the head, the back pressed to the floor. Tear off the shoulder blades from the floor (do not fully lift the back), not by jerk, but by the force of the press, and make sure that your fist can always be placed between the chin and the chest. Do not strain and do not stretch the neck.
  2. Exercises on the bench for the press in the gym are similar, but with a full lift: the legs keep the body in an inclined state, hands behind the head.
  3. Exercises for the press on the bar, including a corner with straight and bent legs, will allow the lower press to work well. As a substitute, you can perform similar movements with your legs, lying on your back.

Such simple exercises for the press for women give very effective results and must necessarily enter into any complex for a beautiful tummy.

Exercises on the side press

A list of the best exercises for the press can not do without exercises on oblique abdominal muscles. It is important to perform them intensively, so that the muscle does not increase and become wider.

  1. Lie on the floor, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees, the ankle of the right leg lies on the left knee. From this position, aim to reach the right elbow with the left elbow (while the elbows should be in the same plane with the head, and not extended forward). Repeat 15 times, then change your legs and stretch your right elbow to your left knee. For this side, also repeat 15 times. Complete 3 approaches.
  2. Torsion of the hoop. The torsion of the hoop, especially the heavier one, perfectly leads to the slanting of the oblique abdominal muscles. Do not forget that you need to twist the hoop in both directions, otherwise you will eventually notice the difference in the development of the lateral muscles of one and the other side.

Do not forget that such complex exercises for the press, like twisting the hoop, must necessarily enter the complex on the press. Isolating options that train only one type of muscle are also very important, but for the harmonious development of the body it is important to give a general load.

Static exercises for the press

Static exercises are simple exercises for the press, in which there are no usual repetitions. All you need is just take the necessary pose and stay in it as much as possible. It is enough to perform three basic exercises:

  1. Lie on the floor, hands along the body or behind the head, legs straight. Cut the time and tear off the straight legs from the floor to the distance of the matchbox. It is necessary to be kept so 40-60 seconds and in the further employment to increase this time.
  2. Exercise "Corner": do the same, but lift your legs so that the angle with the floor is about 45 degrees.
  3. The third exercise is similar, but the raised legs and floor make an angle of about 60 degrees.

This exercise program on the press will make your tummy firm, and changing the angle of tilt allows you to evenly distribute the load on all parts of the abdominal muscles.