How quickly to pump up the buttocks?

As it often happens, behind the figure of the girl begin to watch more actively before vacation or an important event to look worthy in any clothes. If you are thinking about how to pump up the buttocks quickly, then simple domestic exercises can not do. It is best to go to the gym and use exercise equipment, dumbbells and bodybuilders.

How fast can you pump up the buttocks in the gym?

If you are serious about working and looking for a way how to quickly pump up the muscles of the buttocks, then it is worth considering not only training, but also nutrition. Exclude from the diet flour, sweet and fat. Add to your diet a maximum of meat, dairy products, eggs - protein products. They are better absorbed if they are supplied with vegetable food, so it's best to choose vegetables or cereals for garnish. When your body has enough protein, you can quickly develop muscle during training.

Consider what exercises are needed to pump up the buttocks:

  1. Treadmill - helps to reduce the amount of fat mass, strengthen the general condition of the muscles, strength and endurance. Ideal for workouts.
  2. Retracting the leg with the load back. This exercise is recommended to do with a lot of weight, so that the effect is noticeable as quickly as possible.
  3. Foot press lying - this exercise trains more thighs than the buttocks, but as an integrated approach you can include it.
  4. The Smith machine is an excellent, highly effective exercise for the buttocks, which allows you to work out the muscles deep enough. Sitting in the simulator will be much lower than simply with a barbell on the shoulders, and this is a big plus.
  5. The hook machine allows you to perform one of the best exercises on the buttocks, especially if you squat as deeply as possible.

In order to achieve the optimum result, train 3 times a week, performing warm-up, a full complex on the buttocks and necessarily several more general strengthening exercises (for example, push-ups, pull-ups, etc.).

How quickly and effectively to pump the buttocks?

Consider the simplest and most well-known exercises that will help pump up the buttocks in a relatively short time. Depending on your athletic form, you can take a 5-10 kg load at the first stage, and then, as it will be easy for you, you will have to choose more weight.

  1. Squats with dumbbells. Put your feet on the width of your shoulders, take a dumbbell (at least 2-3 kg each) in your arms. Slowly descend, pulling your buttocks back as much as if you wanted to sit down on a low chair. When the angle in the knees is about 90 degrees, also slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 approaches 15-20 times.
  2. Falls with dumbbells. Pick up dumbbells, take a wide step forward and bend your knees (angle about 90 degrees). Perform a few swings up and down, then perform an attack on the other leg. Repeat 3 sets of 15 times for each leg.
  3. "Deadlift" on straight legs with a bodibar, dumbbells or neck. Stand up smoothly, bend your knees slightly, in the hands of a dumbbell or bodybuilder. Slowly, keeping the natural deflection in the back, lean forward to a 90 degree angle, then return to the starting position. It is important to feel that the load is on the buttocks, not on the back and not on other parts of the body. Do 3 sets of 15 times.
  4. Squats "Plie" (or "Sumo") with dumbbells. The legs are wider than the shoulders, in the hands of a heavy dumbbell, we hold it in front of us on the bottom of our hands. Squat deeply, pulling the buttocks back and trying not to push your knees forward. Do 3 sets of 10-15 times.

If you have dumbells at home, these exercises are quite affordable and at home. It is important to perform them 3-4 times a week, and gradually increase the weight used. It is the burden that makes the training on the buttocks more efficient and productive.