How to pump the triceps?

Many women make a serious mistake when they train solely the legs and the press, because the hands are also an important part of the body, which they pay attention to first. Often, muscles lose their tone, and the skin saggers, which looks, to put it mildly, unattractive. Therefore, you need to know how to pump the triceps at home without the help of trainers and special equipment. It is the sagging of this muscle in the people called the "butterfly effect". If there is such a problem, do not worry, because several intensified workouts and results will be visible to the naked eye.

To understand how to properly pump the triceps, it is worth mentioning the number of repetitions. If you want to get rid of excess fat, tighten up and pump up your hands, it is recommended to do a minimum of 20 repetitions in several approaches. Initially, do as far as possible, in the first very much it concerns beginners in the sport. As for the weight used, it must first be small, for example, if it concerns dumbbells, then start with 0.5 kg options.

How to push to pump the triceps?

Push-ups are included in the list of the simplest and accessible for each person exercises. You can do them virtually anywhere and time. There are several types of push-ups.

  1. The classic option . Take the emphasis lying, hands on the width of the shoulders. To increase the load, you can place your hands even wider or rest on a dumbbell. Go down, bending your elbows, until then it's time the body will not be parallel to the floor. At the bottom, stay for a while and then go up again. If it is difficult to do such push-ups, you can simplify the exercise by kneeling.
  2. Push-ups from the wall . Approach the wall at a distance of not more than 50 cm. Put your hands against the wall, so that the distance between the palms corresponds to the width of the shoulders. Down, bending your elbows, so that your forehead touches the wall. Then, straightening your arms, go back to the starting position.
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How to pump triceps woman dumbbells?

Dumbbells are the most affordable for every sports equipment. Even if they are not, you can safely replace them with bottles of water or sand. There are many different exercises that give weight to these muscles.

  1. Extension of hands behind the head . Exercise is designed to perform both from a sitting and lying position. To get the desired load, make sure that the back is flat. In the hands, take one dumbbell and bend them at the elbows to the right angle. Raise your hands up, the dumbbell should be behind your head. Slowly lower the dumbbells and raise them again.
  2. Extension of arms in the slope . One of the most popular exercises to pump the triceps at home, you can perform standing up, bending forward, but it's better to use an emphasis, for example, a chair. Stand in front of the chair so that the backrest is on the right or left side. Bend over so that the body is parallel to the floor. With one hand, rest against a chair, and in the other take a dumbbell. Straighten the arm along the body and bend it so that a right angle is formed in the elbow, and then straighten the arm. Do everything slowly. Then do the same on the other hand.

How to pump a girl's triceps with a barbell?

Not many have a bar at home, but if you want, you can replace it with dumbbells.

French press bench . Lay down on the floor or on a bench (the head should be at the edge), take the bar so that the arms are on the width of the shoulders. Raise it above the chest so that the arms are perpendicular to the floor. Elbows do not arrange. On inhaling, lower your arms, bending your elbows. The end point - the neck should touch the top of the head. On exhalation, return to the starting position. It is important to carry out movements only with forearms. This exercise can also be done from sitting and standing.