Lower press exercises for girls

Our bellies always need correction, but most of us will start tearing hair on the head when mentioning just the lower part of the abdomen - the most hated zone of women. Of course, we all know that it is there that is more active than anywhere else a fat depot is being postponed. But, as we can not change this natural process, and get used to this destiny of the weak and weak-willed, we suggest that you turn to a proven instance - the exercises for girls on the lower press.

Why is it so difficult?

The lower press is catastrophic not only for girls with excess weight, but for those who, in principle, are satisfied with their thinness. The problem is that if there is any error in the diet, the fat should not be deposited anywhere, namely on the lower part of the abdomen. Therefore, the exercises on the lower part of the press should be combined with an impeccable diet, which consists of:

How to train?

Believe me, from the fact that you will perform exercises for the lower press for women every day, your press will not stop being problematic. Moreover, the muscles for development need to be given time for rest and regeneration, so alternate workouts with days of rest for this group of muscles.

If your press is covered with a generous layer of fat, do not forget about the need for a "gyrating" cardio.


  1. The first effective exercise for the lower press is called "Garmoshka" - we work with the rectus abdominis and call it a simple warm-up of the abdominal muscles before what we should do next. We sit down on the floor, rest on the palms of our hands, tear off the straight legs from the floor for 20 - 30 cm, the body slightly tilts back. Bend the legs and pull the body to the knees on exhalation, straighten the legs and return the body to the IP on inspiration. We do not lower our legs to the floor, we perform 30 times.
  2. We carry out the complicated variant - we keep balance only on buttocks, hands we tear off from a floor. We bend our knees and clasp them with our hands, straighten our legs, we spread our arms around. We perform 25 times.
  3. The next exercise is "Steps on weight" - we lay down on the floor, press the lower back to the floor, hands along the body, legs tear off the floor. Socks are stretched to themselves, do not bend your knees. We walk on weight - 35 repetitions.
  4. Complicated option - do slow "steps", fix each step for a moment. We perform 25 times.
  5. We lay on the back, hands along the body, legs bent at the right angle. With the force of the press we throw our legs to the level above our heads, straightening them and tearing the pelvis off the floor. We perform 25 times.
  6. For the next exercise, you will need a partner - you lie down on the floor, it fixes your feet at your ears. You hold hands with his feet, raise your eight legs legally. The partner catches your legs and makes them a "shaking" movement to relax the press. Then he lets go, and you drop them into eight accounts. We perform 8 times - 4 lifts up and 4 down.
  7. Continue the exercises with a partner. PI is the same, you raise your legs, they repel them, and you with resistance continue to rise. Short, throbbing legs are produced. You should do 40 repetitions.
  8. The last exercise - the slopes of the legs in the sides. Lie down facing the partner, hands apart, legs raised vertically. The partner directs your legs to the right and then to the left, your task is to control the movement by the force of the press, not allowing slackness. Your task - to lower your legs to the side, the partner just sends them. We perform 25 times.