Cereals for weight loss

Cereals are truly a universal product. First, they are diverse - porridge can become your side dish, dessert or main dish. Secondly, porridge can satisfy the preferences of everyone - we do not guess how many new, unexpected combinations can be obtained by adding a variety of fillers to the cereals. Well, and thirdly, porridge - a product familiar to our body, which means that you will not experience stress using cereals for weight loss.

It's about the last point and we'll talk. That is, how useful cereals are for losing weight.

Choice of porridge

The choice of cereals is very important. It would seem that oatmeal is also an oatmeal in Africa, but this term can mean at least two types of cereal - oatmeal and cereal. Flakes (not just oatmeal, but any other) are a quick breakfast, and relatively fast carbohydrates, which increase blood sugar levels, and, accordingly, a feeling of hunger. Groats are not a chopped, unrefined grain, containing in itself absolutely all useful substances of cereals. When grinding the cereals (when flakes are made from it), the outer shell is cleaned, which is fraught with the coarsest fiber and the greatest amount of vitamins, micro- and macro-elements.

If we are talking about cereals for weight loss, it is necessary to choose precisely unrefined, unpolished grades. Example: not white rice, but brown, not oat flakes, and oatmeal.

Varieties of cereals

Undoubtedly, the question of what cereals is with weight loss can be answered very briefly - all. After all, each of them contains its own special composition of useful substances necessary for our health and, accordingly, losing weight.


Millet is a nice-looking, bright yellow cereal, which in fact is a millet seed. She is usually fed chickens, but in spite of this, she ranks first among the most useful cereals for losing weight. Millet removes fats from the body, prevents deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the liver after taking antibiotics. Millet saturates the body with magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur. Consuming this porridge, you provide yourself with the daily norm of vitamins PP, E, B. Remember: the pear is yellower, so it is more useful.


The second place is allocated to buckwheat. It treats anemia, because it is difficult to find a product containing such a dose of iron. Buckwheat, to all other, also proteinaceous groats. Among all cereals, it is she who ranks first in protein content. In addition, it is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, because this plant itself displaces all the weed.

Buckwheat contains vitamins B and PP, as well as very nutritious complex carbohydrates.

Wheat groats

In the list of what kind of cereal is better for losing weight, you can not say about wheat cereals, because it is the most low-calorie of all cereals. It regulates fat metabolism, lowers cholesterol , improves skin, hair and nails condition.

Pearl barley

The most disliked by many groats is the pearl barley. Where such dislike - it is unknown. It is possible that the main factor affecting the frequency of consumption of pearl barley is the duration of cooking - several hours of cooking. At the same time, the pearl bar is considered the most nutritious cereal and has a pleasant honey aroma. In addition, it is better than other cereals, "cleans" the intestines from stool, and also contains many antioxidants for health, beauty and youth.

Making porridge

Once you decide to lose weight on the porridge, you should learn how to properly prepare them. Most cereals need to be washed (except for millet, wheat cereals), then pour them with cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, the groats should be simply brought to a boil in clean water and left to swell under the lid, taking off from the fire.

This method of cooking will preserve the maximum of useful substances.

Cereals, like any other carbohydrates, should be eaten in the morning. Ideally - for breakfast.