After how many births begin after the removal of the cork?

The question of how many births start after the cork is removed is quite often heard from expectant mothers, especially from those who expect the first-born. Let's try to answer it and determine: how does the cork differ from the amniotic fluid and how not to confuse these two types of precursors of an early birth.

After how many days does labor begin after the cork is removed?

Under the influence of sex hormones such as prostaglandins and estrogens, the uterine neck before delivery is gradually shortened, becoming softer, occupying the middle position on the axis of the birth canal.

As the cervix matures, its channel opens slightly . It is in it and contains a thick cervical mucus, which forms a cork. As a rule, it has no color, but in some cases it can have a pink or yellowish tinge.

Under the influence of estrogens, the concentration of which increases before birth, liquefaction of the plug itself occurs. As a rule, its departure occurs 10-14 days before the appearance of the first fights. However, it can not be unequivocally stated that all women have this at the same time. Departure of the mucous plug can be observed for 3, and 5 days before the birth, and in some cases - and a few hours before the appearance of the baby in the world (often in the re-birth).

What if the cork has moved away?

Having dealt with the fact, after how many hours after the departure of the traffic jam usually begin the birth, let's talk about how the woman should behave in this case.

As a rule, this phenomenon is regarded as a harbinger of rapid delivery. However, it is very difficult to guess with the time of their beginning. Therefore, after the cork was released outward, the expectant mother should listen to her body and wait for the outflow of amniotic fluid. Incidentally, the latter can sometimes appear almost immediately after the plug. If a woman notes that her underwear periodically appears watery discharge, it is necessary to go urgently to the hospital.