Green waters during childbirth - consequences

Departure of amniotic fluid occurs at the beginning of labor. Sometimes this process is delayed, and the doctor pierces the fetal bladder, paying great attention to their character and the color of the liquid. Normally, it should be transparent. If the amniotic fluid has a dark or green hue, this can have negative consequences for the baby.

Causes of green waters

There are several reasons why the birth of green water. Most often this is due to the entry into the amniotic fluid of meconium - the original feces of the baby. Meconium can be released during oxygen starvation of the fetus in the womb, or with a pregnant pregnancy, when the placenta can not cope with its functions. Often, the causes of green water can be a cold or infectious disease during pregnancy. In more rare cases, one of the causes of a dark shade of the amniotic fluid is the genetic pathology of the fetus.

Consequences of green waters during childbirth

It can not be said that green waters are always a bad sign. If, for example, the allocation of meconium occurred already during labor activity, then this is considered the norm, since this is the child's natural reaction to stress in the process of birth. However, in some cases, green waters can have serious consequences.

So, if the waters have already moved away, and the birth activity has not begun, most likely, doctors will decide on cesarean section. The reason is the risk of oxygen starvation of the fetus. In addition, there is the possibility of poisoning the child with a toxic liquid if he swallows it. It should be borne in mind that when assessing the health status of the child, the color of the amniotic fluid is not the determining factor. In addition, even if there is a dark shade of water, the baby can be completely healthy, and problem children are not necessarily born if there is such a feature as green waters.