Orgasmic delivery

Physiological birth is absolutely normal for a woman. Moreover, it was recently proved that childbirth is often delivered to a woman and the highest measure of pleasure - orgasm. This is not surprising, because the process of childbirth is accompanied not only by pain, fear, emotions, but also by joy, the expectation of the birth of a small miracle, which the woman bore under the heart all 9 months.

Unfortunately, most women associate births with unpleasant aspects of them, and in advance they take care of anesthesia, and medication to minimize these negative feelings. But together with not so pleasant sides the woman loses the opportunity to experience the highest good - orgasmic genera. A combination of joy, excitement, euphoria from the long-awaited moment of the baby's birth, with incredibly sensual pleasure, during which fear disappears. The pain is dulled or completely departs to the last plane, fear is replaced by glee and happiness. For this it is worth the pain, because the woman's body is adapted for the physiological birth of the baby.

Orgasm during childbirth can be experienced only in the absence of anesthesia, with full confidence in the medical staff, with a number of partners and a romantic atmosphere, with minimal medical intervention and benefits from the staff.

Sex during childbirth was for a long time common among ancient civilizations. Since it was believed that it accelerates the course of childbirth. However, now doctors are inclined to believe that during the birth itself, or rather in the active phase of the first period and until the end of the process of delivery, sex can lead to unnecessary complications of the physiological process. Sex and birth are compatible only in the form of caresses, embraces, tenderness and support of a partner, without the envisaged intimacy.