Lake of Love, Arkhyz

The name of the high mountain lake is due to its unusual shape - it has the appearance of a heart. This landmark Arkhyz is very popular among lovers. In order to admire them, couples do all the difficult route. And they are never disappointed - the lake is unusually beautiful.

Its crystal-clear waters, as it were, symbolize the purity and depth of true feelings. Especially magically it looks in spring and summer - at this time of year the contrast of lush green and turquoise waters is especially beautiful.

Where is the Lake of Love?

There is an aquatic heart on the slope of the Morg-Syrty ridge. Cold waters, thin trickles flowing from the high glaciers, form this magical Lake of Love. He, however, has other names - "Nameless", "Suuk-Djurek" ("cold heart" in Karachai manner). On the map, he does not even have a name - it's so small.

Arkhyz, Lake of Love: route

The road to the Lake of Love is not simple. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to climb to an altitude of about 2,5 thousand meters above sea level. Given that Arkhyz itself is at an altitude of 1.4 thousand meters, the transition will be more than a kilometer. In order to facilitate the transfer of the lift, the guides advise you to hold a pinch of salt behind your cheek before you start the journey. This will save you from thirst, but still take some water with you.

The most popular route to this landmark is horse riding. On the horses the route does not seem so difficult, and the romance of such a walk will not leave indifferent even the most hardened skeptics.

Excursion to the Lake of Love will take about 5-6 hours. During this time, you will enjoy the picturesque views of mountains, meadows, contrasts of greenery and snow, singing birds and fluttering butterflies.

Arriving at your destination, do not forget to give a coin to the lake - they say, after that your love will be infinite and unusually strong.

Also recommends you to visit the magnificent lakes of Krasnoyarsk .