A child will slump - what should I do?

Children's club foot is one of the most common problems that young parents face. Sometimes the pathology is visible right after birth, but most often the wrong foot placement becomes obvious when the baby starts walking.

Let's try to find out why the child will clum and what to do in each case.

Causes and treatment of congenital clubfoot

Changes in the structure of the joint bones are visible with the naked eye. The unnaturally inverted foot inward will not go unnoticed by the parents and, especially, by the orthopedic physician. In this case, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to take appropriate measures, since later pathology will lead to violations of the shape of the leg and spine, respectively, and the difficulties with movement. As a rule, doctors do such babies gypsum, then appoint special fixing devices, massages and physiotherapy.

Causes and treatment of acquired club foot

However, most often the parents notice that the child will clum, after he started walking. The situation is mixed, because many children, especially chubby, deliberately turn their feet inside - so it's easier to maintain stability, but the presence of more serious problems can not be discounted. In particular, if by the year the child is still clumsy when walking, with one foot or both, this is a weighty argument for referring to such specialized specialists as the neurologist and orthopedist.

Only a doctor is able to establish the exact cause of baby clubfoot and prescribe treatment. For example, sometimes a child will clumble only when walking, and in a sitting position he puts his feet correctly. It can be is associated with mild dysplasia of the hip joints or mild rickets. If a child clumps with one foot, then everything indicates a hypertonic muscle. In this case, experts recommend special gymnastics, relaxing massages, baths. In addition, for the speedy correction of the setting of the foot to the toed toddlers are shown: