Calico wedding - ideas of celebration and gifts

Each anniversary of a joint life can rightly be called a celebration. The spouses could live together for another year and become closer to each other and relatives. But the most important of all can be called a cotton wedding - a holiday that marks the first co-lived year.

Calico wedding - how old is this?

What is a cotton wedding, how old it is and what is given for this date, it is worthwhile to know each newlywed woman. This wedding marks the first co-lived year. This period is considered to be the heaviest for a young family, as at this time the spouses have to learn most of each other and get used to it. For this reason, the first family holiday was called chintz. As a chintz is thin and fragile, so is the young family in this period - fragile and unreliable.

Some etymologists assert that the name of a cotton wedding has other roots. Young spouses during this period want to enjoy physical intimacy with each other, so most of the time they spend in bed, covered with cotton sheets. Gradually, physical intimacy will cease to occupy such an important place in the life of young spouses, and other needs and desires will come to the forefront.

Gift Ideas for a Calotte Wedding

Do not worry about what to give to a cotton wedding. The young family still has many needs and needs, so it will not be difficult to choose a gift. According to the customs, a calico wedding is given to objects made of calico or other fabric. This custom comes from those times when there were no contraceptives and the youngest child was born in the first year of a joint life. For this reason, on the anniversary, they gave a calico to diapers for a newborn. Now the newlyweds are rarely born baby in the first year, but the custom to give the chintz remained.

What should I give to my friends on a cotton wedding?

A gift for a calico wedding is chosen taking into account the nature of the couple and the ritual of the celebration. If you follow the tradition, then the best gift will be such things:

What to give her husband a calico wedding?

A spouse with an annual seniority is not so easy to choose a gift to her husband for a cotton wedding. I want the gift to be pleasant, useful and consistent with traditions. To do this, you can choose any item from the list of what is given to the cotton wedding, and add a little imagination and humor to it:

What to give his wife a calico wedding?

Women - the creation of a tender and romantic. It is not so important that a man chooses from the list of what can be donated to a cotton wedding, the main thing is that the gift should be presented with love and tenderness. Romantic atmosphere, flowers and a gift in a beautiful package, accompanied by the words of love, can inspire the lady and make her happy. The most suitable gifts to the wife for a cotton wedding will be:

What to give to the children's wedding ceremony?

A gift for a cotton wedding to children can be either practical or symbolic. Due to the fact that newlyweds have few things, it is easy to choose a gift for them. The list of gifts for a cotton wedding includes such things:

Ideas for a Calotte Wedding

There are various ways how to celebrate a cotton wedding, but choosing from them follows the preferences of the couple. Here are the popular ideas for a cotton wedding:

  1. Visit the sauna or spa. Here you can relax and get a complex of pleasant services.
  2. Excursion trip. On normal days, there is not enough time for trips and sightseeing. Why not do it on such a solemn day?
  3. Trip to the recreation center. Rest in the bosom of nature will lift the mood and help make the day unforgettable.
  4. Thematic event. If you plan to spend this day with guests, then you can make a themed party. To do this, all guests should be notified in advance so that they can pick up the appropriate outfit.
  5. Amusement park. Two young people are still full of excitement and enthusiasm. Visiting the amusement park and entertainment will charge them with positive energy for a long time.

How to arrange a cotton wedding?

Together with the question of how to celebrate the wedding ceremony, the problem of decorating the room appears, in which the event will be held. As already mentioned above, the main material of this day is the chintz. For this reason, cotton, or gauze, wedding should be filled with fabrics, soft toys, napkins and other fabric things. It is customary to decorate a room or a place for rest and a picnic with ribbons, bows, cloth napkins, soft rugs, pillows, rugs. Used details of the decor should talk about the softness, tenderness, coziness.

Menu for a Calotte Wedding

Carrying a chintz wedding, like any other event, is impossible without a delicious lunch. However, unlike other anniversaries of living together, the menu of the cotton wedding should be distinguished by its simplicity and modesty. The first lived year symbolizes the beginning, which should be reflected in the menu. The young housewife is still inexperienced, therefore, choosing dishes, one should give preference to those for the preparation of which does not require much time and culinary abilities.

  1. Traditionally, the dishes are prepared, consisting of three to four components.
  2. Salads and side dishes should be as simple as possible.
  3. Simple sandwiches, slicing cheeses and sausages, baked chicken - everything should reflect the simplicity of the first year of life.
  4. The crown of the wedding table is a cake decorated with figures of the bride and groom. Unlike other dishes, the cake should be bright and interesting - it is a symbol of future life together.

Ceremonies on the wedding ceremony

All the rituals for the calico wedding are associated with chintz. This fabric, symbolizing the fragility of a young family union, is present in every ritual of this day. Interesting and important rituals of a cotton wedding are:

  1. Calotte wedding is celebrated at home, where guests are invited.
  2. The spouse puts on a cotton dress, which she must wear until the evening.
  3. Young spouses give each other calico handkerchiefs. On each handkerchief they tie on a knot and utter at the same time vows of faithfulness and love. This rite symbolizes the desire of the spouses to be forever connected with each other by the bonds of marriage.
  4. The dining table is covered with a cotton cloth. In addition, the chintz should be present in the decor in the form of ribbons, napkins, artificial flowers.

Calotte wedding - signs

All the signs for a cotton wedding are related to the well-being of the family and the strength of the union. Calico wedding is a holiday that says that family life is just beginning, and only together the spouses can overcome all difficulties and troubles. To understand what's next for the spouses, the signs of a cotton wedding will help:

  1. If on that day the spouses woke up at the same time, then the family will soon be replenished.
  2. If on that day a stranger comes to the house, one of the spouses will be wrong. If a woman has come to her husband's infidelity, if a man is to his wife's infidelity.
  3. Crumby clothes, clothes, tablecloth - to family quarrels.
  4. You can not give trousers or socks, because, according to a sign, this is a step to parting.
  5. Kind and love relations between spouses on this day - family life will be pleasant and long. A quarrel or a conflictual relationship - to a violent life and parting.
  6. If the man is the first to enter the house - to money, if a woman - to the rapid birth of the first child.