Registration of marriage in pregnancy

Often people live together for a long time, trust each other and do not see any need for registering a marriage. But the news of pregnancy changes everything, and to avoid paper red tape afterwards, an urgent decision is made to get married, although pregnancy can become a serious obstacle to a fun wedding holiday. So how do you make registration of marriage during pregnancy really a holiday and bring you joy? Let's examine the main issues that arise before those who decide on marriage during pregnancy.

Marriage during pregnancy

The conclusion of marriage is usually made in a month from the date of application to the registry office. But there are exceptions, when this time is shortened. For example, during pregnancy, marriage can be held even on the day of application.

Pregnancy and wedding

Many believe that pregnancy and marriage are incompatible things and that is why they limit themselves to pregnancy only by registering a marriage in the registry office. And this is often done because of fears of a different kind, the main of which are idle talk. Often seeing a bride with a rounded tummy, people knowingly nod "a, marriage on pregnancy" and lament the fall of morals. To be afraid of it it is not necessary - registration of marriage, on pregnancy or for other reasons, it is a private affair of you and your elect who does not concern anybody any more. So if you can afford a holiday and want this, then do not just stop at registering a marriage, during pregnancy, a wedding party can also be beautiful and memorable.

Wedding in Pregnancy

A wedding dress is always chosen with special trepidation, but in pregnancy you need to consider several important options. If possible, the dress should be bought shortly before the celebration, otherwise the outfit may be small. Ideally, the dress should have a small supply at the waist and in the chest. The rules to hide the tummy or emphasize no, so do as you like, just remember that a large number of frills and ruches silhouette will make it more overweight. And, of course, corsets are contraindicated for pregnant women - they can damage a baby and a future mother. A couple of days before the wedding, you need to try on a dress and make sure that it sits as you need. Fatu is considered by many to be a symbol of innocence and therefore pregnant women refuse it. This is also stupid - if a veil is required to your side, do not go on about prejudice. Also do not forget about massage pantyhose or stockings - legs during the ceremony will get tired. Shoes also choose carefully, convenience is better to prefer beauty, and before the wedding shoes to carry. Also not bad to take spare shoes, because by the evening many pregnant women have swollen feet and shoes may be tight.

Be sure to check the composition of the wedding bouquet - during pregnancy, many ladies become sensitive to odors, and previously a favorite flavor can now cause headache and irritation. For the same reason, you need to connect to making a menu for a wedding - something that you liked before, during pregnancy can cause a toxic attack. Also, do not experiment with exotic fruits and recipes that you have not tried before. And during the celebration you will have to limit yourself to eating fatty, spicy food and smoked foods. Alcohol, of course, is also prohibited.

And of course, honeymooning can not be left without attention either. If you plan a trip, then remember that the best transport for you is the train, and the time is the second trimester of pregnancy. Sharp climate change and temperature drop are also not desirable.