When are the first signs of pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the happiest events in the life of any woman. And everyone is looking forward to 3-4 weeks after the delay to find out the result on ultrasound. Let's talk today about when the first signs of pregnancy appear. This question is rather individual. Some women feel pregnancy intuitively, and many begin to look for changes that will prompt you about the conception that has occurred.

The manifestation of the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages

  1. Absence of menstruation . This is the most likely sign of conception, however, it is not a 100% guarantee, as other factors can influence the menstrual cycle - stress, inflammatory processes, lack of vitamins and so on.
  2. Painful sensations in the area of ​​mammary glands . In the first month after conception, the chest usually begins to hurt. This is due to the fact that the body is preparing for the forthcoming lactation and the mammary glands swell. Already in the first week, when the first signs of pregnancy occur, some women from the nipples are given colostrum. In addition, the breast also increases in size. This occurs gradually throughout the gestation period, and begins immediately after conception.
  3. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back . Such pains appear at very early times, when a fertilized egg only attaches to the wall of the uterus. This process can also be accompanied by a slight bleeding. As a rule, implantation of the embryo occurs on the 7-12 day after conception. However, at later periods of pain in the lower abdomen - this is a rather alarming sign, at the appearance of which you need to contact your doctor.
  4. Change in basal temperature . You can easily understand when the first signs of pregnancy begin, by measuring the temperature in the rectum. If this figure is more than 37 degrees and also keeps at this level for several days (unless, of course, this is the period of ovulation), one can conclude that there is a pregnancy. This sign is the most reliable and this is just the period when you can learn about pregnancy.
  5. Frequent urination . This is due, firstly, to the fact that the increasing uterus presses on the bladder, which leads to frequent urge to the toilet, and secondly, with the hormonal changes in the body of a woman. This is also one of the first signs of pregnancy, which manifests itself in 2-3 weeks from the moment of conception.
  6. Early toxicosis . Some women notice the onset of pregnancy, when they begin to vomit in the morning. It can also be manifested by changes in taste sensations - so the body begins to prompt you what food it is more useful to use for the proper development of a future child.

When can I find out the pregnancy?

In addition to these symptoms, you can also note changes in the mood of a woman. For such indicators as increased fatigue, drowsiness, excessive sensitivity and irritability, it is possible to determine the possible conception. When the first signs of pregnancy come, the expectant mother, as a rule, begins to worry, as the result can be learned only after 2-3 weeks, and the violent imagination does not give rest.

In order not to overload your nervous system, first, it is worthwhile, immediately make a test. Modern pregnancy tests can show results within a week after conception. Secondly, it is worth going to a gynecologist, not waiting for 3-4 weeks after the delay. The doctor will determine the presence of pregnancy in terms of the size of the uterus, the color of the labia and, most likely, send you to a blood test, which already shows 100% whether you are pregnant or not by the presence of the hormone HCG in your blood.