Ointment for diathesis in children

Despite the fact that diathesis is not an independent disease, and the rash that appears on the skin of the child indicates that everything is in order in the body of the baby, it is still necessary to fight red spots. The rash delivers discomfort to the crumbs, itches, flakes off, so the question arises, which ointment is "treated" for diathesis? First, it should be remembered that no ointment causes the diathesis to heal , but only eliminates some of the symptoms.

It is unacceptable to independently choose medicines at the pharmacy and conduct dangerous experiments on your child! Only a doctor can decide which ointment against manifestations of diathesis will work in a particular case. If the drug is picked up incorrectly, then the effect of its use can be reversed. Particular attention should be given to the choice of ointment for diathesis in newborns and infants.

Hormonal ointments

Often, the manifestations of diathesis in children save ointments, which include minimal doses of hormones. These drugs are called glucocorticoids. High efficiency is demonstrated by such ointments as elokom, advant, celostoderm.

  1. Elokom . This drug is available in the form of lotion and ointment. When diathesis in newborn children for the treatment of rashes use ointment, which has antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antiexudative and vasoconstrictive effects. Apply it a thin layer on the affected areas once a day. The duration of treatment is no longer than seven days.
  2. Advant . It is available in four forms: cream, ointment, oily ointment, emulsion. Advant can be used only with a four-month age, so this ointment from manifestations of diathesis for newborns is not suitable. If the rash is not soaking, then the adjuvant is applied once a day with a thin layer, but the treatment should not exceed four weeks.
  3. Celestoderm . This hormonal ointment from diathesis will suit children from six months. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. It can be applied to the skin 1-3 times a day, depending on the skin condition. It is not recommended to use Celestoderm longer than seven to ten days.

Note that the choice of hormonal ointments is quite wide, but preference is given to long-acting drugs.

Non-hormonal ointments

Picking non-hormonal ointment is somewhat easier, because it does not contain hormones. The only thing that should be taken responsibly is to the possible manifestations of allergies. Unfortunately, you can check this only by applying ointment to the baby's skin.

Most often doctors recommend the use of drugs such as diphenhydramine, elidel, fenistil-gel or zinc ointment, which with diathesis show good results.

  1. Dimedrolovo-zinc paste (pasta Guszhienko). This drug is prepared in a pharmacy on the basis of zinc paste and alcohol solution of diphenhydramine. The resulting ointment is applied a thin layer on the itchy skin areas 2-3 times a day. It is used to eliminate manifestations of dermatoses and exudative-catarrhal diathesis in children older than six months.
  2. Elidel . Ointment is effective in eliminating inflammation, itching and pathological histological manifestations on the skin in toddlers from three months. Rubbed into the skin two or more times a day, and the course continues until the effect is achieved, but no more than 1.5 months.
  3. Fenistil-gel . This ointment is applied pointwise, but it includes components, capable of causing allergies. If the baby is on natural feeding, the mother is recommended to take diazolin. Getting in milk, and then in the baby's body, diazolin has a similar wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

In some cases, rashes may be accompanied by secretions of pus. This form of diathesis requires special care in choosing ointments. Often, such drugs as Vishnevsky ointment, fondizol or levomecol are prescribed, but it is impossible to prescribe them to your child, as these ointments can be dangerous for his health.