Dollar tree - signs

Despite the fact that we live in a world of skeptics, there are still people who believe in a miracle, and buy a dollar tree to attract money. It's no secret that the strength of human faith is a great force, and therefore finding such a plant for a home is often accompanied by a very real financial success .

Zamiokulkas (dollar tree) - signs

The correct name for a dollar tree is zamiokulkas . This African plant perfectly suits in a wide variety of latitudes, but requires care and attention, so it is worth knowing how to care for a dollar tree . Signs say: the plant works best when it is well looked after!

In addition, to accelerate the flow of cash flow into your pockets will help the following measures:

  1. To make dollars and flock to your pockets, you will need both the tree itself and a one-dollar bill. You can crush it as you like, but make sure that the pyramid shown on it is visible and not jammed, pointed straight up. You can hang a few bills, making them bows or tubes, so that the tree looked elegant.
  2. To the money energy flowed to the plant from all sides, put a one-cent coin under the pot.
  3. Do not use plain water to water the plant! Get a special container, on the bottom of which you need to put a few coins. Before watering for at least a day, "insist" the water on the money. So you will strengthen the monetary energy around the plant.
  4. If you notice that the plant is unwell, if the dollar tree yellow leaves , be sure to take measures: improve watering, protect the plant from drafts and wind. Proper care will create a positive contact between you and the plant, and the effect will be better.

Buying a house flower, like a dollar tree, signs recommend that you turn to the plant that will attract you. Do not take the first specimen - try to feel which of the trees itself "stretches" to you.

Is it possible to give a dollar tree?

Dollar tree is a fashionable and unusual gift that will please not only those who believe in monetary magic , but also those who simply love to turn their apartment into a luxurious flowering garden.

Some people who are not too versed in plants think that a dollar tree is a flower of celibacy . However, zamiokulkas only looks like a spathiphyllum, which is popularly called "muzhegonom". You can not worry, because the signs about the dollar tree speak only about the positive impact on the wallet.